The Last Chapter

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"I... Got... Your nose!"

Felix didn't much care, staring at the seith mage whose grin slowly faded.

"Huh? Did I snatch your sense of humor as well?" he asked and Ever snickered.

"Felix is not amused by your childish pranks", she chuckled. "He's already smarter than you are."

"Asuka always giggles when I do that to her!"

"She's just pitying you, that's why."

"Or maybe Felix got more grumpiness from his dad than we even thought", Bicks suggested.

"That is definitely possible", Ever nodded.

"Peekaboo!" 'babies' chirped happily when hovering over Felix, making him jolt and look at them.

Freed smiled looking how Bickslow and Ever were trying to make Felix laugh, but didn't succeed. It had been two weeks now, they were home and everything was fine. At first Freed and Laxus both had been kinda lost, not sure if anything they were doing was right, but after a few mistakes they started to finally get a hang of it. They got more confident and learned new things constantly.

"Bickslow", Freed finally said after putting away rest of the dishes, since they had lunch just a moment ago. "Felix is only two weeks old. He doesn't even see you clearly yet. Babies don't laugh until they are around four months old. It will still take weeks before he will even smile."

"You're kidding?" Bickslow said astonished.

"I'm not", Freed smiled stepping beside the basket where Felix was lying while in the living room. "He's starting to recognize you and Ever in maybe three months if you visit often."

"I really don't care much about babies but he is just too adorable little sugar cube", Ever chuckled letting Felix wrap his tiny fingers around her own.

"Not gonna start thinking getting more serious with Elfman?" Bickslow cackled.

"No way. We're definitely not ready for something like this."

She smiled when one of her brown strands was fascinating Felix, as he observed the hair with his fingers and mouth.

"That is not a good idea", Freed scolded softly and took the strand of hair from his son.

"Yeah, you might accidentally pull the wrong rope and she will explode like a bomb!" Bickslow smirked spreading out his arms.

"Boom!" his Tiki dolls giggled and Ever huffed.

"That is not even funny", she said. "How is Laxus handling everything by the way?"

"He's doing good", Freed assured. "He's tired and so am I but everything is going great. And I'm sure it will get at least a little bit easier now that I can finally move around again how I want."

"If you ever need more help, we can always help as well", Bickslow smiled.

"Thank you", Freed chuckled. "Now that we have eaten, maybe we should finally head to the Guild?" he smiled to Felix. "It's your first time going out too, you're going to be amazed."

They had stayed at home for the first two weeks and Freed too was pretty excited to return back to the Guild. Of course others had seen Felix when they were in the infirmary for the first three days, but after that they had decided to take time and enjoy their time just the three of them.

Bickslow and Evergreen waited while Freed made sure they had everything they needed and Felix was properly dressed so he wouldn't get cold. Then they could finally start their journey, Bickslow taking the bag that was full of necessary stuff and Freed took the basket with its precious content.

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