Chapter 35

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It took a lot of training but when the Autumn Festival arrived, they were ready. Freed smiled as he watched how his guild mates started to get ready for whatever they had planned from the early morning. Some people put up a real show, like Bickslow who hinted that he had at least music in his show. Evergreen said that her show would start at the evening when it was dark.

He had ended up making just something easy for the kids, something they could enjoy. So he had made a large trap in the open area, dark purple and inside it there were labyrinth. There were many entrances and he had made sure that rules allowed kids to come out even in the middle of the game if they so wanted, if they started to feel scared or just got bored.

Rules were really simple. There were a reward in the middle of the labyrinth and kids could go in alone or in teams. They had to choose if to turn left or right and at some point they were stopped because of the wall. There would be a riddle and correct answer would dismiss the wall, allowing kids to continue. Of course below every riddle there were runes that remind the kids they were not really trapped and they always could quit if they wanted.

Of course, Freed had also added some extra just to amuse children. There were a rune trap that reversed colours inside it, as well as a trap that would change voices. All the riddles were based on what kind of a trap there was. Most challenging trap was when Freed needed to make rune walls that were elastic so kids could bounce around. It took most of his time in training to learn to make something like that.

"Okay, so you decided to do something simple, eh?" Bickslow snorted looking at the huge trap.

"It might seem complicated but it is actually very simple", Freed assured.

"Yeah, sure, whatever you say, baby. But why can't I go in?" the seith mage pouted.

"Because it's only for kids and just because you act like one doesn't change the fact that you are an adult. Sure, if there is an emergency then adults are allowed to go in to help. And don't even joke about causing an emergency just so you can go in", Freed warned gazing at his old friend.

"Fine, baby", Bickslow muttered. "It sucks to be an adult", he groaned crossing his arms.

"Maybe sometimes", Freed smiled. "But there are also many things you can do only when adult."

"Ohh, I wonder what you might be talking about", Bicks snickered wrapping his arm around greenette's shoulders. "It must have been really busy days for you, training at days and in the nights a certain blond dragon slayer would grab you and -"

"Bicks!" Freed shouted blushing. Well, Bickslow wasn't exactly wrong but he didn't want it to be shouted out loud so everyone could hear!

"Man, you're so easy to tease", Bickslow smirked and Freed muttered something shooing his hand away. "So, where is Laxus? Haven't seen him yet today."

"He's at the park. I was about to head there now that this labyrinth is ready."

"You're not going to stay here and keep an eye if something happens?"

"I don't need to. Runes will disappear immediately by themselves if there is something wrong like someone attacking or similar. And there are always some parents nearby so if there is an emergency they can help. Of course, my runes will always warn me if something is about to go wrong and I can use teleport to come here in seconds", Freed explained as they started their journey towards the park. He had made sure that he knew the exact location where to appear with teleport.

"Seems like you have everything under control", Bicks grinned. "Kids are gonna love that trap."

"I don't believe it can compete against the park", Freed chuckled. "It is beautiful now that Eve has made it snow in there and Gray has frozen the pond."

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