Chapter 19

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It took him two hours before Freed finally got some sleep. That is why in the morning Laxus was really surprised when he woke up but his mate was still sleeping. At first he was concerned, maybe hit on the head was something serious after all or maybe some nasty tiny tick bit him and he was poisoned or...

Freed mumbled something in his sleep and turned his head towards Laxus. He looked peaceful and his skin wasn't pale or anything. Maybe he was just tired enough to sleep late.

Laxus smiled and snuggled his nose against Freed's cheek. It felt nice. He didn't even think about how goofy he was acting he just wanted to keep Freed as close as possible. He had felt horrible when they were apart but it was then the best solution Laxus could think off. But his mate had come after him, assured that nothing was wrong and he wasn't scared or angry.

Seriously, how on earth did Laxus even deserve Freed's loyalty and love? That man had always been so eager to follow him and do what he told him to do, never complaining or standing against his word. Always so tender and worried even if he had a tiny scratch or something...

Laxus would make sure he would return all of that caring and love. He would make sure no one would never hurt Freed or make him sad. He wanted to make his mate smile so he could see that beautiful face all brighten up and he wanted to take care of him so he would be relaxed and feel peaceful.

Blond dragon slayer purred quietly and he squeezed Freed even closer to his chest. That was what woke Freed up.

"Laxus..." green haired man wheezed. "Laxus, you're strangling me again."

"Sorry", Laxus said and loosened his grip a bit. "Is this better?"

"Yes", Freed said with a sleepy smile without opening his eyes. "What time is it?"

"Somewhere around noon."

"Noon?" Freed said surprised and opened his eyes. "How long have you been awake? Why didn't you wake me?"

"You needed to have plenty of sleep", Laxus smiled. "You had a rough time last night."

"Maybe but we still need to return to the mainland", Freed said and Laxus had to let go of him so he could sat up.

"How are you feeling?" blond asked getting up too.

"Better", Freed assured. "My head no longer hurts and my ankle feels better. Maybe we don't need to bother Porlyusica after all."

"No, we will go meet her", Laxus said and got up on his feet. "So we can be sure you're alright."

"Fine", Freed sighed. "We should then start moving."

"You don't wanna eat something first?"

"I'm guessing there is nothing else to eat in this island than bugs", Freed said looking disgusted. "And I would rather die in starvation than eat any of them."

"Okay", Laxus laughed. "And I thought you weren't a picky eater", he taunted playfully.

"I'm not, but even I don't need to tolerate everything", Freed said and he grabbed Laxus' hand and stood up.

"How's your ankle?"

"I still can't use it but it's not hurting that bad."

"Good", Laxus said and helped Freed to sit on a rock. "You sit there while I pack things up."

"I'm pretty sure I don't have a choice", Freed chuckled.

"Yeah you don't."

When everything was ready Freed used his magic and purple rune wings appeared in his back again.

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