Ch.IX Privateers!

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One moment she's a satisfied woman in bed. The next moment she's a slave in a pirate ship. Jane doesn't know what happened that night.

Their ship got attacked in Arabian Sea. The sailors fought bravely but lost in the end. Most of them got killed in the battle. The wounded ones got tossed into the sea to feed the sharks.

Arabian Sea and Red Sea are well known favorite hunting ground for privateers (pirates).

The pirate ship is heavily damaged too. So it is heading to a specific island to fix the damages.

Madagascar, the fourth largest island in the world. A French colony. It's a Haven for pirates to recuperate and replenish supplies between attacks.


(I'm scared! I don't know if Nathaniel's still alive or not. He went to aid the sailors and fight the pirates. No sign of Badhu either).

A pirate sneers while touching her breast. Jane yelps a little.

"Nice tits. Let's have fun, bitch. I bet you're good, lady," mocks him.

"Keep your hands of her, Eggy! Cap wants all the bitches first!" warns a pirate.

Eggy the pirate with super bad breath spits to the deck.

He says reluctantly, "Aye, mate! But she's mine when Cap is done with her."

Poor Jane shivers a little. A shiny object around her neck caught his eyes.

"Hey, that's mine!" protests her.

"Sorry, bitch. Finder keepers," mocks Eggy while examining the Egyptian amulet.

"Cheap stone. Your husband only gave you this crap? Or maybe you hide more." His hands are searching her body.

"No! Let me go! Don't touch me!"

She struggles and manages to hit his chin with her elbow.


Eggy slaps her face few times. Jane's lips bleed a little but she bites her lips. She won't cry. Not in front of him.

She only cries bitterly when he finally leaves the spot. Jane's waist has been tied to a mast. Other women are locked in large cages. They are crying too.


A bucket of salty sea water is poured onto him. Nathaniel hisses. He has been whipped numerous times.

The pain!

His wounds felt punctured when the salty water seeped into them. But he never scream.

Rubbing salt to one's wounds. That's just his style.

One eyed pirate Captain asks, "Surprised, Niel?"

"Thought you already got toasted in Hell, Dimwit."

Dimitri Romanov steps on his knee and Nathaniel screams loudly.

"Squealing like a pig. Hilarious isn't it. How fate turns things around for us?" mocks him.

"Never thought you succumb so low, Dimwit. A pirate. Your royal ancestors would turn in their graves," mocks Nathaniel.

"Spill the beans, Niel. I know you are the messenger boy. Where's the letter?" asks Dimitri.

"What letter?"

"Fooling around? You need more persuasion?"

Dimitri kicks Nathaniel's chest very hard many times. Some bones cracked as the results. Nathaniel groans but he pleads no mercy.

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