Ch.3 First date

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Tess is staring into a mirror. This manor felt empty without her sisters. It's already winter. Spring would come soon enough.

Jane has married in beginning of summer time. Sophia has married in mid autumn. Leaving her. Still single, unmarried.

She has met many bachelors. Spoke with them. Danced with them. Still no wedding proposals.

(What should I do? None of us would get the money at this rate. And Lyons had done everything for my sake...)

"Why the long face?" asks a man behind her. As if he was called, the devil advocate has arrived.

"Nothing..." replies her while looking away.

"Tess, you would never be a good liar," teases him.

His fingers hold her chin, forcing her to stare at his direction. His citrine eyes are filled with amusement.

"You are worrying again, aren't you? Always a worrywart like an old spinster."

"That's who I am. I'm afraid I'm doomed to be a spinster," confesses her sadly.

His thumb rubs her lips.

"Tess, Tess, Tess, you are pretty girl. Definitely made to be a good housewife," says him while staring to her blue eyes.

"Nobody wants me..."

"Because you are so stiff. Like a log."

"No, I'm not!"

Lyons releases her. And he turns his back to her.

He says while staring up the ceilings, "I've seen you before. In parties. You looked rigid and stiff everytime a man approaches you for a dance. Like a martyr ready to be sacrificed. Who wants to marry a martyr?"

(He's right. Everytime a man approached me, I got scared. Kept thinking is this the one? My future husband? And my heart just said no. Refusing him...even before I talk to him...)

"I'm sorry...Lyons... You won't get your money at this rate..." apologizes her.

"The spring hasn't come yet. I have a good idea. You need to get used to a man. So, why don't we have practices? A fake date. You and I," says him casually.

"Excuse me? No, it can't be...we always quarrel," protests her.

"It would be perfect. If you could keep up with me, you could keep up with any man," persuades him.

"No, I don't think ..." protests her.

He turns around again.

"No isn't the correct answer," teases him.

His forefinger is on her lips. Preventing her from protesting further.

They are standing so close. She could feel his body heat.

His thumb is rubbing her soft lips.

"Let's go out this afternoon. On a practice date. We could talk about the weather," mocks him.

"The weather?" asks her puzzled.

"Or other boring topics you like," teases him.

Lyons leaves the sitting room before she could reject the idea again.

He stands in the corridor. Holding his head with a hand.

(I must be mad. Suggesting such a mad idea. Tess is always my weakness. Seeing her so sad, broke my heart. And they said I got no heart left).

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