Ch.2 Sisters of mine

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"Sophia, you got a letter," says Dallas while offering a brown envelope.

From a law firm. From a solicitor named Lyons Ducane.

She tears the envelope and reads it.

"To Miss Sophia Joscelind,

We regretfully informed you a grave news. Your father, Duke Worthington has recently passed away. He has left you a very unique will.

A chance to enjoy a season in London. Mingling with other noblemen in ton. And 2,000 pounds for your dowry if you married a nobleman in one year.

We hope you would join your sisters in Lady Miranda Rockwell's mansion.

Yours sincerely,

Lyons Ducane

Sophia folds the letter and frowns.

(I have sisters? Mom told me once that my father was a Duke. Guessed she didn't lie. She bragged a lot about her past. Sometimes it's hard to distinguish truth from lies in her story...)

Dallas snatches the letter from her hand and read it without her permission. He gritted his teeth and tears the letter into pieces.

"You won't go anywhere! This is just a fake letter! Someone is scheming to get you! You would be goaded into a prostitution house, Sophia..."

He holds her arms and stares to her eyes.

He asks earnestly, "Why can't you just marry me? I love you, Soph..."

"I, I'm sorry... I didn't feel the same..."

Dallas sighs and then he releases her.

"Just stay put. I will make some enquires about this solicitor first. The will sounds fishy. Too good to be true..."


"Good girl."

He gives her a kiss to her forehead before leaving the gym. To storm a law firm downtown.


"Are you saying the will is true?" asks Dallas.

"Yes. Duke Worthington left the girls £2,000/each. For dowries," replies a solicitor.

Dallas asks, "If she didn't marry?"

"She got nothing."

Dallas asks, "What if I married her?"

"She got nothing too. The rules are clear. Must be a nobleman around 20-40 years old. Good incomes. The girls shall choose their grooms. It can't be forced upon them."

Dallas rubs his face. £2,000 is a lot of money for him. Sophia deserves it. A better life than a maid in his gym.

But if she married a jerk just for the money...

Dallas asks, "I love her. But she deserves the best life could offer her. Could I go through the list of suitors first? I don't want her to marry a jerk."

The suitor pulls his collar to breath better. You don't want to make a boxing champion mad.

He says, "Sorry, Sir. I'm not in charge of this case. Mr. Ducane handles this one. Right now he is in countryside. Picking one of the girls in Cornwall."

"I see. Inform Mr.Ducane I want to speak to him a.s.a.p."

"Yes, Mr. Jackson. I will send him a message right away."

Dallas leaves the office. Feeling blue. Sophia is a good girl. He hopes she would marry someone who truly cherish her.

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