I Kamski x Reader I 1

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WARNING: fluff

REQUEST: Hello! Could you do a fluff one for Kamski. (I really like him and he made me really like Neil Newbon. An actor who play as him... I don't know why...) Maybe a story that take place after the revolution. When he trying to propose to you. He don't know how to because you're his first girlfriend. He went to Connor and Hank for help 😂Also, I really like your work!

Hi my lovely! Thank you so much for requesting. This is a really big request, as I usually like my imagines to be a little bit shorter... so this is going to be an imagine with multiple parts! I hope you enjoy!

reader: human

Part 1/6

For nuttoshim


Elijah threw down his pen in frustration and stood up, running his hands through his mussed up, shoulder-length brown hair. He couldn't think of a solution. Despite being one of the smartest, most successful men in the world, he was fresh out out of ideas. 

He had been sitting at his desk all day desperately trying to figure out how he was going to propose to you. Elijah had scrawled ideas all over a notebook until he had almost forgotten why he wanted to propose in the first place. For the first time in years, he was nervous and lost about what to do/

"Eli? What's wrong?" He whipped around in surprise.

You stood in the doorway to his office. As Elijah's eyes flitted over you, he sighed softly. He hadn't seen you all day, and when he saw you a wave of emotions washed over him. You were standing in the entrance to the office, looking as sweet as you'd ever looked. You were wearing a fluffy baby pink robe and a matching pair of fuzzy socks. Elijah just wanted to pull you into his arms, and kiss you all over, but he knew he had to restrain himself. 

Elijah shoved the notebook into one of his desk drawers and moved quickly to the doorway, enveloping you in his arms. 

"Nothing's wrong, my dear," he murmured, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. "I didn't know you were home."

You looked up at him innocently, and Elijah's heart fluttered. "Is this what you always do when I'm not home?"

Elijah snorted. "No, not usually." You smiled warmly and leaned up to kiss him on the lips. Your boyfriend met you half way, pressing his lips to yours in a short kiss. His stubble lightly scratched against your cheeks.

"You need to shave," you giggled playfully. Elijah smiled down at you and kissed your cheek again.

"Goodnight, Eli," you said, turning around. "I'm going to bed. Love you."

"I love you too, [Name]. I'll be there soon. Good night." Elijah watched you retreat back into your bedroom. He cursed under his breath and closed the door to his office. 

"What am I going to do?" He groaned lowly. Eli went to his desk and pulled the notepad out of the drawer. He ripped out the used papers and buried them deep in the trash can. He pulled out the desk chair and sat in it, resting his elbows on the desk and running his hands through his hair again. 

"James!" Elijah called into the dark, empty halls of his home. In the moment he thanked God that he had your shared bedroom soundproofed (although that feature was usually useful in other situations, if you know what I mean 😉).

"Yes, Mr. Kamski?" The android asked, standing at the door.

"Schedule a meeting with Connor and Lieutenant Anderson."

"Of course, Mr. Kamski. Right away." James retreated into the house. 

Elijah breathed a sigh of relief and apprehension. He was slightly ashamed that he had to bring in Hank and Connor, but he had to do what he had to do. 

He stood up from his desk and walked quietly into your bedroom. You laid on the bed in your pajamas, dead asleep and snoring lightly. Elijah quietly got out of his clothes, leaving himself in only his boxers. He slipped into bed next to you and wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you close beneath the covers. 

"I love you, [name]," Elijah murmured quietly. He pressed a gentle kiss to your ear. "I'll figure this out."

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