I Kamski x Reader I 2

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REQUEST: Hello! Could you do a fluff one for Kamski. (I really like him and he made me really like Neil Newbon. An actor who play as him... I don't know why...) Maybe a story that take place after the revolution. When he trying to propose to you. He don't know how to because you're his first girlfriend. He went to Connor and Hank for help 😂Also, I really like your work!


Part two of the cute fluffy Kamski imagine!!! This is my absolute favorite request at the moment and I feel so inspired writing about him. This part isn't as fluffy, but the next two parts will be filled with soft fluffiness. Please enjoy!!

THE NEXT PART WILL TAKE LONGER TO COME OUT! I have never written a proposal before so I have to do some planning... I am going in on this proposal. It's going to be amazing!!!

Also somebody please be proud of me for posting two imagines in one day... I really earned this one y'all.

reader: human

Part 2/6

For nuttoshim


Elijah clasped his hands together on his lap. He sat solemnly on a clean, modern chair in his main greeting room. You were out of the house for the day, and he was taking the chance to see Connor and Hank to get their advice on how to propose to you.

Eli stared blankly around the massive room. His empty gaze skimmed across the blood red pool and the large windows. He looked composed, but his mind was racing. He had isolated himself in the room away from all of his androids until the police detective and his companion arrived.

"Mr. Kamski?" Elijah looked up to see James standing at the door. "Lieutenant Anderson and Connor are here to see you."

Eli stood up and cracked his knuckles. "Send them in," he ordered. The android disappeared behind the door.  Elijah mentally slapped himself. That sounds like I'm sending them to their execution.

Hank and Connor walked into the room. Connor looked as impeccable as ever, and Hank had his hands shoved nonchalantly into the pockets of his blue jeans. 

Elijah quickly became aware of how nervous he looked. The last time he saw Hank and Connor, he had projected himself with his usual sophistication and intensity. Now he was fidgeting and avoiding eye contact. 

"Mr. Kamski," Hank grunted. He walked past the ruby pool and sat down on a chair.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Kamski," Connor said politely, trailing after Hank. He also took a seat next to him. "What seems to be the problem? Your android James told us that you needed advice."

Eli hesitated for a moment. He was nervous, but these were his friends, and people he knew he could trust.

"I want to propose to [name]."

Hank raised an eyebrow. "Don't you have the guts to do it?"

"That's not the problem," Elijah responded, clearly disgruntled. "I love her more than anything, but she's the first girlfriend I've ever had. I don't have any experience with this." He leaned back in his seat, watching Hank's face with intrigue.

"And you thought I would know anything about this?" Hank asked gruffly. He moved to pull a flask out of his pocket, but as soon as it was in his hand, Connor snatched it away from him. Eli raised an eyebrow.

"Well, you have been married before," Elijah pointed out. "How did you do it?"

Hank shrugged. "With some flowers and a soppy speech. I don't remember exactly what I said."

Elijah sighed. "Do you know anything about this?" He questioned. "I have to make this absolutely perfect, Lieutenant. I only have one chance to get this right."

Hank shrugged. "Unless you get a divorce."

Eli glared at him. "That is just not helpful."

Hank shrugged again. "I have some ideas on how to do it."

Elijah leaned forward in his seat, intrigued. Connor mirrored his movements (even though he clearly had nothing to add to the conversation). "Remember, Lieutenant," Eli said, emphasizing every word. "This has to be absolutely perfect. You and I both know that [name] deserves the most amazing proposal I can give her."

Hank let out a short grunt of annoyance, but leaned in anyway.

"Okay. So here's what you're gonna do..."

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