Julie's Jar Of Cookies

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Ella's pov:

After that...

Scary information, I watch Zander as he claps his hands together, looking at me.

"Well, follow me Ella, you can meet everyone inside." I smile at his offer and nod my head while Zander looks at Luke.

"I guess your dumb brain can come too."

"F*ck you."

"Gladly." Zander says, I try to hold in my laugh as he opens up a door leading to his house.

As I follow behind him, I see a boy in an arm chair, one on the couch, and another on the floor.

They all looked around my age, or at least in or just out of high school.

Well, thinking back to what Zander said, three of them, including him, are heading off to college.

Oh and no surprise here, they were all super attractive.

But I think Luke's looks were the best-.... why am I thinking this?

We are friends.

"I would like everyone to say hi to Ella, Luke's friend." Zander says pretty loudly.

All the boys look over and look at me and I...

Really hating myself...

Give them the same kind of wave I gave to Zander earlier.

"Jake." The one on the armchair says, he waves his hand.

"Damien." The one on the floor says next.

"Ashton." The last boy says who was sitting on the couch.

"Where's little J?" Zander asks looking at Ashton.

"I think she's in the kitchen, where I quote, 'I am not sharing my cookies with Jake because he is mean'." Ashton says letting out a small laugh at the end of his sentence.

"She is acting like I'm going to eat them all!" Jake says throwing his hands up in the air.

Suddenly, loud footsteps come from the kitchen and I watch as a girl comes out.

"Do you really want to go there Jake. DO. YOU." She glares which causes Jake to sink back in his seat.

"No Julie." He says.

Suddenly, my eyes go wide, now that look at her, it's-...

"Ella??!" Julie says as she looking at me.

"Julie, hey." I smile, but I am thrown off when she runs up and pulls me into a hug.

From behind her, I watch as the boys gives her a curious look.

"I thought I would never see your face again!! And I feel like I knew that was you in the hospital but I wasn't sure-.."

"Wait, she was the girl next to you in the hospital?" Damien asks looking at Luke.

Luke just scratches the back of his neck... "Yeah... wait Julie, you know her?"

"Yes! We met at the park, when I thought I lost Jake," she says pulling back from the hug, "again, thank you so much."

I give her a heartwarming smile, "It really was nothing."

"Wait, when did this happen?" I look over to see Ashton looking intently at Julie.

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