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"So, where are they going now, I mean we can't trust them to go back to the room of requirements and stay there?" Harry says as they all start walking towards where their next class is, which they all have together.

"I guess they'll all just have to come with us," Ron says smiling at them having finally really gotten used to having his and Hermione's kids around.

"I mean we only have a few more classes left," Hermione says agreeing to Ron's suggestion and smiling at him. "I mean it can't be that bad as long as we make sure they are occupied."

They all head to Defense Against the Dark Arts and are all quite irritated when they once again see Umbridge standing at the front of the class. "Her? Yuck!" Scorpius says quietly and pretends to gag as they head to their parents' seats. "Great if I had known this was when she was here I definitely wouldn't have come."

Ron starts laughing drawing her attention to which all the kids hide behind Harry and Draco's table. "Okay, I'm sorry but I think, just for this class, that you should hide," Harry says quietly wanting to keep her attention somewhere else.

"Why, daddy?" Lily asks as she looks up at him confused and he can't help but smile down at her.

"Because she's a mean lady and I done want her to hurt you," Harry responds as he begins to dig around I her bag.

"What are you getting?" Draco asks confused as to how this is going to help the kids hide.

"The invisibility cloak!" Scorpius says slightly too loud and is shushed by Rose. "I had just gotten it a few hours before we we messed with the turner."

Harry smiles at him quickly as he places the cloak over them making them disappear and telling them to be quiet. "So that's how you get around everywhere without getting in trouble," Draco says staring down at where all the kids had just been, and still are.

"Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy what is this strange arrangement you have placed yourself in today. I had the impression that you disliked one another greatly, was I wrong to assume this?" She asks in her annoying and pristine voice as if she is above everyone, ever.

"No, we did not like each other as you had assumed but lately we have been able to get along," Draco replies in a pristine voice as well but one his high society life has well associated with him.

"Is there something specifically that has caused this?" She asks looking at Draco almost kindly then looking at Harry with a sneer and continues to do this through out the whole conversation. Scorpius finds it very hard to hold in his laughter.

"Not exactly though we have found some common ground," Draco says looking Harry and winking but making sure that Umbridge can't see it.

All she does is nod her head looking suspiciously at them before walking back up to the front and beginning class. It wasn't even fighting like it had been years before it was reading about spells but never using them. Harry was quite irritated by this but knew he shouldn't speak up like last time. He clenches his first drawing Draco's attention to the words scarred into his hand. Draco quietly gasps sliding Harry's hand onto his lap as he runs his fingers over the scarred letters.

Harry wondered if he could trust Draco with the knowledge of Dumbledore's army or if once the kids leave he'll go back to being an obnoxious prat again. Harry hopes he doesn't because he likes this Draco and doesn't want to lose him once he's finally got him.

When class is over and they leave Scorpius takes the cloak off angrily. "What bloody was that? That was supposed to help you with Voldemort? If people keep listening to her I swear everyone in this school is going to die!" Scorpius is just so mad that he keeps rambling and only stops when Rose elbows him in the ribs.

He looks up at all their parents who are just kind of staring at him. "So, Voldemort is really back," Draco says quietly just staring at Scorpius terrified. Hermione, Ron, and Harry looked at him as if saying 'Of course he is' and he shrinks away. "What!?! I've had my doubts."

"But you're taking care of that, right dad?" James says smiling at Harry with pride glowing on his face. Harry kind of freezes and looks at Draco while chuckling nervously.

"Hey, I've known about it but since I've been on their team till now I haven't gotten to see the Room," Draco says folding his arms before looking at the trio who look around at each other and seem to come to a conclusion.

"Alright, you can come, we have a meet up tonight anyways," Harry says smiling at him with hope in his eyes that he won't regret this.

"Awesome!" Scorpius says jumping happily. "Father's patronus is so cool, but it tends to change upon his emotions."

"I can make a patronus?" Draco says looking at Scorpius in shock who nods his head and gets another jab in the ribs from Rose.

"I seriously need to put a sticky spell on your mouth, because you just won't shut up," Rose sighs exasperated as she glares at him and he looks apologetically at her.

"Oh Merlin, we are going to be late for or next class!" Hermione almost yells and they head off quickly with the kids right behind them.

The rest of the day goes by pretty quick and the kids seem to stay well behaved though when the younger ones wander in the class rooms the professors don't mind too much.

Soon school is out and dinner is over and it's time to go to the room of Requirements though they don't have to sneak because that was where they sleep anyways.

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