The Time-Turner Part 2

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Sorry if this chapter seems a bit forced, I knew what I was going to do for a few parts but basically winged the rest of it...

"This is so stupid, how are we even supposed to find this thing. It's so small and this place is gigantic," Blaise complains about five minutes into their search making Pansy roll her eyes.

"Just shut up and look," Pansy sighs looking at the floor, not bothering to give him any of her attention. They send a few hours in silence looking, only going up two other floors with still many to go. Eventually Blaise is sick of the silence and chooses to pout but gains no attention from Pansy making him extremely irritated.

"Why aren't you looking at me?" He demand to which she just ignore him making him angrier. "Look at me!"

"Just shut up, we don't have time for this. We only have a few hours to find the time-turner before it get dark," Pansy responds becoming irritated herself and still refusing to look at him.

"LOOK AT ME!" He practically yells making her growl in irritation before releasing a loud sigh.

"What the Bloody-" He starts to say as she turns to look at him but stops short when she comes face to face with Blaise as he grips both sides of her face.

"Are you uncomfortable with being near me?" Blaise says, well more demands, in a soft voice as she stare at him while still in shock.

"What-" She chokes out not being able to processing what he is say since he is far too close for her to concentrate.

"Do I make you uncomfortable? Is it the fact that you are to marry me even though I've slept around? Do you even actually have any feelings for me, at all? Do you hate me? Do you want to never see me again? Do you..." Blaise rambles question after question, ones that have been sitting is his mind for some time now and others that just appeared.

Many may believe him to be a strong and arrogant guy, because that is the facade he likes to portray, but he is just lonely. He doesn't sleep around for please, though that is a bonus, but to feel something. Since the dark lord returned his parents had been cold and distant, well more than usual. They expect so much from him but yet never do anything to reward him. Sure they but him nice things but he doesn't care for any of it, he just wants to feel loved. So he sleeps his nights away wanting to feel something for one of them, and if he were to he'd stop and stay with her for the rest of his life. He just never though it would be Pansy with who he settles down with.

"I-I-I don't know," Pansy says staring at him wide eyed not sure what to say. She is quite shocked to see everything in his eyes, she isn't quite good at reading emotions so she couldn't say what exactly she sees, but she knows it a lot. She can't quite relate. It's been years since she's felt anything at all, as a child she was left to fend for herself in their large house.

Her parents didn't care for her, the maids were too scared to be anything but blank faced when around her for fear that she would be happy. Her parents never loved each other, for they were an arranged marriage from the beginning with no emotions attached. Her mother hid away her heart for fear that father and his many mistresses would break it, so she ignored Pansy her entire life. As if that would punish her family for what they had done to her. Pansy learned that it was better to hide how you feel that to wear it on your sleeve, like Potter and his Gryffindor friends. Slytherins keep everything inside, well she though they did but looking at Blaise. Ow it appears that everything is breaking loose.
She tunes back into the world around her as Blaise is still rambling as if he has lost all control of his body and words are just exploding from him mouth. She reluctantly lets a smile appear on her lips before whispering, "Just shut up." She then pulls him into a kiss one that seems to sear this feeling into her heart and she pulls away suddenly gasping for breath as she clutches her chest.

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