Smells familiar

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Okay so I think this chapter is going to be really sucky and forced but please just go with it. I had no clue where it was going when I started and I just hope I don't kill this story with this 🤮 chapter.

"I wrote myself a letter last night," Hermione states all of a sudden confusing Harry and Ron. They look at each other then back at her.

"Why?" Harry asks his eyebrows scrunching together.

"If I know myself, and I do, I would be driving myself crazy over whether my kids were okay and probably not be sleeping," She answers shrugging as if that was a simple fact.

"Well, that's comforting," Ron mumbles as he shoves another mouth full of food in. Harry chuckles before taking a drink and spluttering spilling some on his trousers.

"That's rank!" Harry says coughing and batting at the air in front of his face as if that'll help get rid of the taste. Ron and Scorpius look at him before taking a drink of their own cups.

"It seems fine to me," Scorpius says looking at his dad then at his cup before reaching out and picking it up. He holds it up to his nose and smells causing him to cough. "Somethings is wrong with your drink. But it smells bloody amazing!"

"Let me see," Rose says taking the cup from him and smelling it for herself. She stares blankly while trying to figure out why it smells familiar. "It smells familiar."

"Really? I don't know where you could possibly get something that smells that good," Scorpius sighs while wafting the pheromones towards him.

Then all of a sudden Harry becomes quite dizzy and cross eyed before falling backwards off the bench.

"Dad! Harry!" Everyone yells rushing to him as he lays on the ground completely passed out. But that only lasts for a few moments because before anyone can begin to move him towards the infirmary his eyes snap open. A large almost creepy smile grows on his face as he looks up at his friends who are staring down at him put he pouts when he doesn't see who he's looking for.

"Where is she?" Harry asks pouting like a child who had just gotten in trouble.

"Where's who?" Draco ask kneeling next to him and reaching out to touch his arm in comfort but Harry flinches away.

Harry glares at Draco making him stumble back before Harry is once again looking around. "Ginny," Harry states making them all very confused.

"What?" Ginny asks her head popping up from her book as she takes a biscuit out of her mouth.

"Ginny!" Harry cheers almost like a child as he launches himself at her. She looks startled and stares at him critically then looks up at the others.

"Isn't he gay for you?" She asks gesturing to Malfoy who doesn't speak but only looks away.

"That's where I remember smelling it!" Rose exclaims suddenly grabbing the others attention. "Last summer I went to hang our with Scorpius as his house. When I was there Uncle Draco had been brewing a potion in his free time."

"At least I still do that," Draco says quietly trying to distract himself from Harry who is still all over Ginny.

"He was brewing amortentia," Rose says making Draco look at her funny.

"Isn't that illegal?" Draco asks but Rose only waves him off to continue.

"And it smelled exactly like this so someone must have slipped some into his drink," Rose says firmly shocking them whole Hermione nods since it makes since.

"But doesn't the one who drinks it fall in love with the one who gives it to them," Hermione says looking at Ginny as Harry starts to kiss her neck sloppily.

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