What happened?

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"Where's Blaise and Pansy?"

"Oh, um they won't be joining us for dinner," Ron says clearing his through and trying not to blush. Hermione is doing the same while also trying not to make eye contact with anyone.

"Okay," Harry drags out not exactly able to pick up on what they are trying to say while the twins chuckle loudly. "Anyways, we can confirm that it wasn't in the shrieking shack, did anyone else have any luck?"

"We found it," Neville says holding it up for everyone to see as the kids had a group hug. "I mean I almost died trying to get it but I got it."

"Oh, don't be over dramatic you would have only had a few broken bones. But if you had hit the ground I'd have no way to carry you out," Luna says stand quite close to him, well closer than she is willing to do with anyone else.

"Same thing," Neville responds chuckling before handing the time-turner over to Hermione who knows more about them than anyone else.

Rose sighs happily leaning her forehead on Scorpius's shoulder in relief. "I feel like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders," She says smiling still not moving her head.

"Yeah cause you put it on mine," Scorpius jokes to which she pulls away to glare at him but eventually just smiles fondly. Then out of no where a hand is placed on her shoulder and she jumps, a terrified look on her face as she hides behind Scorpius.

She looks to see Ron froze having not expected such a response from her. Everyone is looking at her now wondering what happened to make her act like that. "What's wrong?" Hermione asks pulling Ron away slightly.

"Just a bit jumpy, I'm fine," She resounds chuckling nervously stepping out from behind Scorpius, not acting like a startled cat anymore.

"What happened?" Harry asks looking between the two kids. Scorpius looks like he is going to say anything before Rose cuts him off.

"Nothing, it's fine," She states simply giving Scorpius a look to shut up to which he huffs annoyed.

"Well," Harry drags out not sure if he believes her but moves on anyways. "Did anyone else have much trouble?"

"The forest is just too big-," George starts and Fred finishes. "-we didn't get to check a lot of it."

"That's fine, I mean we have it now so that doesn't really matter," Hermione says smiling at the twins fondly.

"I mean it was kind of strange to be in the empty Quidditch field but nothing out of the ordinary happened," Seamus says with a light blush in his cheeks, a rumpled shirt, and messed up hair. Dean stood next to him looked a little more put together but still messy.

"Yeah sure," Hermione chuckles observing their clasped hands behind Seamus's hands as he stands more in front of Dean. "Anyways, we should probably take this to Dumbledore."

They all head into the school when Lily asks to be held by Fred shocking everyone but he is happy to comply. They get to his office and head up.

"Those who are concerned stay, the rest of you go to dinner," Dumbledore states with his back to all of them. Fred puts Lily down as everyone but Harry, Draco, Hermione, and Ron leave. They walk into his office with the children, closing the door behind them. "Who was the one who found it?"

"Neville and Luna," Harry answers to which Dumbledore nods his head walking back over to his desk.

"Children," Dumbledore says gesturing to the seats in front of his desk, and as obedient as if they are trained dogs they walk over and sit in the chairs.

"What is to be done now?" Harry asks stepping forward to be closer to the children as the others do the same. Draco grabs Harry's hand not getting a good feeling about this. He squeezes it tightly when suddenly the door bursts open startling them.

"Are we late? What's going on?" Blaise and Pansy say looking about as if something really big is happening and they don't want to miss a thing. Everyone laughs at what a mess the two are. Rumpled clothes, bruised lips, hair going in every direction, and flushed faces.

"Ms. Parkinson and Mr. Zabini, you are not required to be here, head down to dinner," Dumbledore says to which they ignore him walking to stand next to the other two couples.

"If they are here that I'm here," Pansy says stubbornly as she crosses her arms over her chest to say that she isn't moving.

Dumbledore sighs but let's them stay anyways because he doesn't want to fight his students over the matter. "Very well," He sighs once again.

"So, what's going to happen now?" Lily asks looking up at the much bigger man who smiles down at her with a kind look in his eyes. She returns the smile happily to which he chuckles cheerfully.

Then he sobers up making a sad look appear on his face before he finally starts to speak what he hasn't want to tell them yet. "I-"

Sorry for the cliff hanger and sorry it's so short, you know I'm bad at fillers so sorry if it sucks. I've had the next chapter typed for a while now and I was just able to lead up to it kind of how I wanted. It seems a bit rushed but they haven't been home in like a month or something so I think it's about time to get them home. Don't you think?

Anyways, enjoy and love you. See you next week😘

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