For me?

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They had played half of a game when the twins showed up joined making it increasingly more fun now that there were more people. They played three games and the first team that got to 100 points won or caught the snitch. Harry, James, Rose, and George's team had won which meant that Fred, Blaise, Scorpius, and Draco had to buy them as well as the other girls who sat out food down at Hogsmeade.

As they file into the booths Lily decided to sit in Harry's lap making everyone chuckle while she sticks her tongue out at them and they order. "Does she always do this?" Harry asks Scorpius before grinning at Draco who gives a small smile.

"Typically when we go out to eat, which isn't very often, and whenever you are gone on an assignment for a couple weeks," Scorpius answers as he takes a bite of the food that had just arrived.

"Am I gone that often?" Harry asks curiously about how he handles his family and his job.

"Not too much, you guys both have little ones at home so you don't like to be gone a lot," James says with a mouth full of food making Ron chuckle with his own mouth full and Draco cringe.

"Don't speak with your mouth full," Draco instructs handing him a napkin.

"Sorry," James says once his mouth is covered with the napkin.

"So, where does Hugo go while Ron is gone because I don't suspect I'm home all the time as I am the Minister of Magic?" Hermione asks before taking a drink of her water. They had run into Professor McGonagall earlier that morning and they had asked if she would want to watch him for the day, they had never believed her to be fond of little children before. But when they saw the grin on her face and heard her hurried agreement they couldn't doubt it.

"Grandma retired early so she tends to watch Hu whenever you guys can't, she loves it!" Rose answers smiling at her brightly before chuckling as if remembering something funny. "You know how babies sometimes have little magical mishaps?"

"Yeah?" Hermione says looking at her skeptically not sure what to expect when James bursts out laughing.

"I remember this one," He laughs pointing at Rose then tells her to continue.

"Anyways, once when Hu was almost two he was at their house and was walking around and gurgling, as they described. When grandpa looked away only for a second and he was gone. They looked all over the place and we're extremely worried something happened to him. Then they heard laughing and looked up and he was sitting on the ceiling. Grandma says grandpa almost fainted but he always denies it," Rose finishes as everyone breaks out in uncontrollable laughter.

"Best Baby Story Ever!" Pansy laughter between each word trying to catch her breath. "I hope my baby is just as mischievous."

"Eh she's a bit like Lily, loves to read and is really into plants," James adds before digging back into his food.

"Did you cheat on me with Neville?" Blaise asks her pretending to be serious though he can't seem to keep a straight face.

"Longbottom!?! Never he's not my type, maybe Thomas but I think something is going on between him and Finnigan," Pansy declares seeming to have thought a lot about this.

"I thought I was the only one who saw that!" Hermione declares before jumping into a conversation with Pansy about who else they suspect is dating.

"Speaking of Neville, we haven't asked about who our friends end up with," Harry says suddenly, chuckling and wondering how he hadn't thought to ask before.

"Well, Uncle Nev is married to Aunt Luna," Lily says wanting to add to the conversation.

"Yeah, and they got two kids Oliver who is a second year in Ravenclaw and then there is Alice and she will be a first year with James," Scorpius continues smirking at his little brother. "James has had a crush on Alice since they were in diapers."

"Shut up!" James exclaims trying to cover Scorpius's mouth even though he's already said everything.

"Oh really?" Draco says smirking and raising his eyebrow in intrigue. "Are they over often?"

"Eh, they come over for Christmas sometimes but not too often since Uncle Nev is the Herbology professor and Aunt Luna travels a lot with her partner Rolf Scamander finding new species," Scorpius answers shrugging as he takes a big gulp of his drink.

"Huh, that actually sounds like them," Hermione says jumping into the conversation. "So, What about Dean and Seamus?"

"They got married four years ago after a very long time of dating," James answers. "They adopted a little girl last year named Daphne."

"Does she have magic?" Draco asks curiously now imagining those two together having never seen the attraction before.

"Yeah her parents died not too long before they adopted her which is sad but they are happy to have her," Rose says smiling softly down at her food before taking another bite. "We don't see them too much since Dean is the chaser for the Chudley Cannons and they all travel together."

"No way!" Ron yells his eyes going wide and his mouth falls open. "I never even thought he was that good."

"Ron!" Hermione says slapping his shoulder to tell him that he was being rude.

"What!?! He is the Chudley's chaser I just can't believe it!" Ron says still extremely shocked and seemingly unable to process the information.

Hermione just rolls her eyes and shakes her head at his brashness. Draco finds his surprise quiet funny and chuckles a bit, "Are you jealous?"

"Well, duh," Ron responds instantly as if Draco was stupid for asking. Draco was a bit shocked he had openly admitted to his jealousy. "Like can you imagine it, being a part of the team, I would love it."

"Actually," Rose said all of a sudden grabbing everyone's attention. " he tried to recruit you but you turned them down."

"WHAT!?!" Everyone including Scorpius and James yelled looking at her in complete shock never having expected that.

"Why in the ever-loving world would I ever turn down the Chudley Cannons?" Ron exclaims his face becoming bright red

"Well, when I was maybe five I had snuck into your office since all kids are very curious beings. And I found the recruitment letter in one of your drawers but it seemed quite old so it made me confused. I was really happy for you since I knew how much you loved them so I brought it to you. You smiled at me and explained how it was from before I was born. You said I couldn't tell anyone because you hadn't even told mom and that if you'd have said yes you wouldn't be home very often. You said you didn't want to have to travel all the time and always be away from mom so you said no," Rose explains smiling at her dad with a proud look in her eyes that no one could doubt as love.

Hermione seemed extremely shocked as her hand was covering her mouth as she stared at Ron. "You gave up the Chudley Cannons for me?" She asks softly before a large grin appeared on her face and she flings her arms around his neck and kisses his cheek. A bright blush grows on his cheeks and a bright smile appears on his face.

"I think I can live with this," Ron chuckles hugging Hermione back tightly as if he never wants to let go.

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