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I want to thank all you guys for getting me to 4K I didn't know how this story would go or if anyone would read it but now that I'm here I hope to just keep going up!

You know what I first watched Harry Potter I had that beginning ship of Harry and Hermione but by the third or so movie I knew she was to be with Ron. Then I was lost and then Ginny cam and I found it really cute and safe. But like I feel like Harry would feel trapped in such a safe and "supposed to be perfect" relationship.

Then I got into the Non-cannon relationships when I started using Pinterest and Wattpad. I first thought Dramione was cute cause it kinda is but then I discovered Drarry. I fell in love with it and the dynamics that can take place. It's not a perfect relationship and they both grew up with their own weaknesses and mistakes which I think makes them stronger as a couple. Also they are just TOO cute!!😋

"What!?!" They all yell, besides the children who are sitting in the chairs at Dumbledore's desk watching their parents freak out.

"Let me repeat. I will be obliviating the entire school, we have already learned too much and must forget," Dumbledore says, almost reluctantly, once again as the three couples glance at each other terrified.

"But....but if you do that we won't remember ever being together," Draco states gripping Harry's hand as tight as he possibly can. "Ginny!"

"Oh boy," Harry groans closing his eyes tightly as if he can imagine himself out of this situation. He doesn't want to go back to when they were together just to break her heart agains, he didn't like doing it the first time.

"Now that the time-turner has been found the children must return and you must forget. This has been the plan since they first arrived, you must understand," McGonagall sighs smiling sadly at the couples and children in front of her. "I trust that you will be able to find your way once you forget, just have some faith."

"But before this I swore to myself I'd never tell Harry how I felt, I will still be bound to that promise that was instilled in my brain. There is no way that I'll end up telling him. And he's still with Ginny and won't believe he's gay. How will this possibly work out!?!" Draco fumes starting to yell as he gets angrier and Harry tries to calm him down. Draco just doesn't want to process this, as this may be the end of them being together. Draco buries his face in Harry's chest as Harry hugs him tightly. Ron and Hermione don't seem as worried, knowing they did have feeling before this confirms that they will get together, hopefully.

"I always had doubts," Harry whispers in Draco's ear. "I'm sure everyone does I just never explored them because I already had Ginny. But I know we'll find each other, I mean look at them they are our kids."

He gestures to their kids who smile at them softly and Lily with a bright smile waving happily. Draco smiles at them letting a tear fall before hugging Harry tighter and burying his head in his neck.

"Gosh, I'm going to miss you guys," Hermione says staring at the kids with a sad smile not wanting to let them go.

"You'll be fine," James says waving it off as if it were nothing. "You guys won't even remember you miss us."

"That doesn't help at all," Ron chuckles as Rose smacks the back of a James's head making him flinch and sit down further in his chair.

"Mama," Hugo yells reaching his arms out and grabbing in Hermione's direction for her to pick him up. "Love you Mama!"

Hermione smiles tears filling her eyes as she hugs Hugo to her chest tightly. "I'm happy that I get to become a mother," She says smiling brightly and kissing the top of Hugo's head. She then turns to Ron to speak to him. "Thank you."

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