Chapter 31

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I've been attending Physiotherapy for the past week, because I was in a coma for so long my muscles were too relaxed and I needed some help to work them out. Now I can walk to the bathroom by myself without feeling like I'm about to collapse. The hospital isn't the nicest place to live. You hear people coughing and crying, it really brings down your mood. The nurse's here are lovely. I know most of them because of my mother's job. The food here is horrible. It's very mushy and bland. My mother usually brings me McDonalds. I swear with the amount of McDonalds I've been eating, I'm going to come out of this place ten times heavier.

Currently, I'm sitting on my bed without back support with my legs crossed. I'm so bored. My mam's not here because she's on her shift. She checks up on me way more than she should, but I'm glad that she's not that far away from me.

The sound of the curtains opening fills the area. I look up expecting to see my mam again but what I see instead, makes me do a double take. It's Maddy. I shake my head. It's like looking at a ghost. She wears a big smile on her face when her eyes meet mine. My mouth just drops open, kind of terrified to see my not-so-dead-best friend.

"Close your mouth before flies get in." 

I close my mouth, she walks over to me and sits opposite me on my bed.

I feel tears well up in my eyes. "I've missed you." I lean over and hug her tightly, softly crying into her shoulder.

"I've missed you too," she says into my shoulder.

I eventually lean back, wiping my tears. I take a second to look at her, to really look at her. I shake my head in amazement, nobody died. She's here.

"How are you?" she eyes me.

I shrug. "I'm ok but not ok" I huff. "I don't know."

She leans over and rubs my knee with her hand. "I'm glad that you're awake." She smiles.

I'm glad that you're alive. I sigh, not daring to say that out loud. "How's school?" I ask instead.

"It was so boring without you. Alex misses you." Oh yeah, I'm technically still friends with him. God, this is so weird. "Oh my God, You'll never guess who came back?"

"Who?" I ask.

"Daniel!" she squeals.

I laugh at her excitement. I guess he came back into the real world also. I think about the other world. I don't dare call it a dream, it can't of been. It's was too real for it to be a dream. Sure I've had vivid dreams before but when I woke up, I knew it was a dream but when I woke up, it still felt real. Everything felt so real. I try to rack my brain around it, every time I go to sleep, I try and make myself dream about the other world, but I can't. I know it's just a dream when I try and bring myself back to it. It's just my mind creating a picture. It's completely different from what I experienced in the coma.

"How are you with the thought that you were...." Haley asks trailing off her eyes wandering. She's afraid to say it. I bet she thinks it's going to cause some sort of outburst. I've had a lot of time to recover from it not in this world but in the other. My mam was shocked with how well I was coping. That's because I already healed.

"Raped." I finish off for her. "It's ok, you can say it." she nods and I continue answering her question. "I'm actually fine with it, I feel like the coma kind of helped in a way," I say to her.

"I'm glad he got caught."

"Yeah, me too." My mam told me it was a crazy psychopath named Joe, he was a sex addict which wasn't great to here. He was sent to prison for about twenty years. Turns out I wasn't his first victim. The police were already looking for him. They said that he had done the same thing to at least twenty girls. My stomach wrenched at the thought that a human could do something as awful as that. Who knows what's going on in their minds?

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