Vol 2 Chap 39

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XH 39

"Elder Sister Hua, it's time to wake up."

It took Si Si a few times to rouse Xiao Hua from her deep sleep. Xiao Hua had never slept this deeply before since the day she transmigrated here. The training had worn her out and completely dropped her guard, waving her straight in to greet the dream lord.

"Sorry, Si Si. I'm awake now."

Xiao Hua winced when she tried to sit up. Her arms hurt! Her waist was not as bad since she mostly used her arm muscles and Tian Zi had her soaked in hot water last night. If she had not done so, her muscles would be even more painful.

Si Si helped her to sit up and even carried the water basin to her so that Xiao Hua does not need to walk.

"You are too nice, Si Si." Xiao Hua sighed blissfully as Si Si wiped her face with a towel soaked in warm water.

"That's my job." Si Si gave her a small smile while secretly sneered at Xiao Hua's drowsy, half-opened eyes state.

How weak! (눈_눈)

After asking around, SiSi managed to found out that Xiao Hua had been practicing knife throwing all day. To be reduced into this state from a light training, aren't you embarrassed of yourself?

Once Xiao Hua was dressed up, she slowly dragged her feet, trying not to move her arms if possible, towards the table where the breakfast was waiting for her. Xiao Hua struggled to pick her chopstick to eat her breakfast, and the time she needed to finish her breakfast was longer than usual. Halfway through her breakfast, her mind was cleared and more alert.

Si Si wanted to roll her eyes at Xiao Hua's 'awake' face. Since the day of the royalty family gathering, it was known that Xiao Hua had her eyesight recovered by a miraculous medicine given by Miss Liu Chu Chu, the Second Prince's future Princess Consort, but her eyes were no longer as wide as before, adopting a lazy look.

To have this kind of personal maid is an embarrassment to the Third Prince!

Even if Si Si's heart was full of dissatisfaction, she had to restrain herself and be patient. One day, Xiao Hua will make a big mistake and the Third Prince will get rid of her. Si Si would have to do well until that day and make sure to catch the Third Prince's eyes, to make him compare her professional conduct with Xiao Hua's clumsy manner.

Si Si was not allowed to enter the courtyard where Xiao Hua would be training, so after exchanging a friendly smile to each other, they parted ways. The training resumed and Xiao Hua's mind was quick to turn blank from exhaustion, leaving her right arm in auto mode to continuous throwing.

It was the same routine of collecting the knives from where they had fallen once she had finished throwing every knife, before resuming the training again.

Her effort could be seen, as the width of her throw was longer than yesterday. But it was still pretty far away from the board! She emptied her mind to avoid imagining her failure and gets beaten as her punishment, and only focusing on throwing.

But when the sun had set and the moon shining brightly up the sky, she could not stop herself from getting panic. The deadline was tomorrow!

When Tian Zi and Tian Zi tried to force her to stop training when nighttime arrived, Xiao Hua refused. In the end, Da Bei was forced to knock her out with a single chop on the back of her neck. It was only tomorrow morning that she woke up with a faint ache behind her neck. Her desire to cry was dead. She ignored Da Bei when she saw him, even if she knows that it was childish but she was still angry with him for wasting her time to sleep.

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