Chapter 14: Confessions

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Song: Don't leave me bt BTS

Yoongi P.O.V:

"We should head back before the storm gets worse." Jungkook says turning the boat around.
"Good idea." I respond noticing that the waves get higher

We reached the shore just in time. There we were greeted by the others. "Thank god you are okay?" Taehyung replies running in Jungkook arms hugging him tight. Jungkook kisses his head and tried to calm the older boy down.
"Where are my sister and Jin?" I ask seeing that they aren't here.
"We don't know, they haven't returned yet." Hoseok says looking worried. I looked at the sea and couldn't see a damm thing except for water and lightling.
"I have to go look for them." I state walking back to the boat.
"You can't they won't let any boats leave, we tried." Min-cha says.
"We can't just stand here and do nothing." I practically yell at them.
"That is why we are going to the harbormaster or whatever he is called." Jimin tells me swinging an arm around me. "They will be fine, Jin can sail and they have each other."
I swallowed painfully but nodded at the shorter male next to me.
"Someone should stay here if the make it to shore themselves." Alice says.
"Go, Alice and I will keep watch." Namjoon says urging the others to go. I nodded thankful at them before Jimin lead me to the station But then I saw lifeguards running towards the boats. I turned around and ran after them something told me they would go to Y/N and JIn. The others noticed my plan and tried to stop me but I ran as fast as I could after them. I could hear Jimin yell at Namjoon to stop me but then I was tackled to the ground by Jungkook.
"I have to help them." I reply sobbing but Jungkook just hold me. "Please let me help them."
"You're not the only one who is scared for Jin and Y/n." Jungkook replies with a soft voice.
"Come Jimin let's ask if those lifeguards are really looking for Y/n and JIn." I heard Min-cha say. you looked up from the ground to the sea. Suddenly I noticed the red dot in the sky. I smiled to myself knowing that they were at least alive.
"Can I let go off you now?" Jungkook asks me. I nodded. Jungkook immediately got of me and helped me up. "Sorry for attacking you like that but it was the only way to stop you from doing something stupid."
"I know, Kookie." I say placing a hand on his shoulder "I am just worried about them."
"We are all." Jungkook replies pulling me in a hug.

 JIn pov:

"Y/N" I scream when I saw her body flying over board. I looked around in panic until my eye fell on a coughing y/n who was struggling to keep her head above the surface.
"JIN." She yelled before another wave made her disappear from my eye sight. I looked around afraid before I saw her head coming up again. My gaze fell on a life buoy at the side of the boat. I don't hesitate from a moment before throwing it into the sea and jumping in after it. Everything was dark around me when I hit the water, the salt stinging in my eyes. When I reached the surface I opened my eyes and looked around for Y/n between the waves. I couldn't see her but I did see the buoy. I swam towards it and leaned on it so I had more eyesight. Then I heard it her voice screaming my name. I looked to where the sound came from and saw her. I swam as hard as I could towards her with the buoy in my hand.
"Y/n." I shout
"Jin." She screams when she saw me coming to her in the light of the lighting since that was our only light source.

When I reached her she wrapped her arms around me relieved. I looked at her face and saw that she was about to cry.
"Grab the buoy." I tell her she did as I told her and together we were floating on the sea, the boat slowly drifting away from us. I wrapped one of my arms around her so I had her safe between my arms. "Everything is going to be okay." I say to her.
"Thank you for saving me." she relies with clattering teeth.
"I Couldn't bare to lose you y/n, you mean the world to me, I love you." I confess
"I love you too." She responds softly resting her head on my arm. I then heard the engine of a boat.
"HERE." I scream on the top of my lungs. Y/n heard it too and together we began shouting.

Theywere shining with flashlight and when the light blinded me I yelled as hard as Icould. They noticed us drifting with the buoy and went to us as fast aspossible. We were pulled inside their boat and wrapped in blankets.
"You guys good?" A lifeguard asks us. Y/n only nodded at him.
"Yes, thank you." I tell him while pulling y/n closer to me. "You are safe now."I whisper in her ear before kissing her head. I looked around and saw that stormbecame calmer how closer we got to the shore. Their on the docks were eightpeople looking worried at us.

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