Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

It was definitely not a good day for Jiyasha. She had come to know the truth of Aryan and of his real motive behind troubling her and then approaching to save her each time. Though she had fallen weak to his fake emotions but she was strong enough to recoil herself. She was not a girl to keep dwindling over the fact that she had acquired feelings for him and could not back off.

Jiyasha was focussing only on her plan of how to take revenge on him. He had played with her emotions for a number of days and she wanted to repay him back all of it. She finally went to sleep after she had plotted and chalked out her plan of what was to be done to him when she would meet them again.


Aryan reached his bungalow later at night and garaged his car. He jumped on something in the dark and switched on his mobile torch to take a look. He found the coat which he had given to Jiyasha last night. "How come is it here? Does this mean that she came here or is it Kabir who told her everything?"

He hurried outside and called out to the guard, "Did anybody enter the house today or came asking for me?"

"Yes Sir, a young girl came in the morning and she was searching for you. But I don't know where she disappeared suddenly and didn't come asking for you again," he informed her.

Aryan showed Jiyasha's picture in his phone. "Was she the one?"
The guard nodded his head in confirming the same and Aryan walked away.

He wondered, "So she has come to know as to who I am. The way she has dusted my coat on the floor, I know she is in her real avatar. Her 'anger'. But never mind, the face offs will become more interesting henceforth. I still love your attitude, your anger and your innocence. I love you Jiyasha!"

Aryan had already expected Jiyasha to be knowing all his truth after he met her at Kabir's party. Kabir was his employee and he could have definitely told Jiyasha about his own boss. And she even reached his house but left the place in a bad temper. His expensive coat was fallen on the ground and she had left the place silently.

He knew very well that the next time they met, he would have to face her anger and hatred. And above all, he was finding the next meetings with her to be interesting. He was ready to face her with the mode of revenge and hatred. He was willingly waiting to meet her again to enjoy the new meetings with her.


Jiyasha and Monica reached college the next morning. Both of them were missing Pooja very badly.

"Hasn't she returned yet?" Jiyasha asked Monica eagerly.

"No she hasn't. Today I tried to call her but it's unreachable. I hope everything is alright with her," Monica said worriedly.

It was evening and after their classes got over, Jiyasha informed Monica that she had some urgent work and that she would directly reach the hostel before time. Monica left by a cab and Jiyasha took her scooter to go to her destination.


Jiyasha was rash driving along the street. She reached a very secluded place and her eyes were constantly in search of something. She kept driving and intentionally bumped against a hard rock. She threw herself on the ground and pretended to have been fainted.

Somebody arrived at the spot and sprinkled water over her face. Jiyasha, in spite of being awake acted as if she had just regained consciousness. She opened her eyes and stared at Aryan. With a light smirk on her face, she pulled him into a hug. Aryan was feeling odd with her behaviour as he had been expecting some sort of rude behaviour from her. But it was not. He reciprocated to the hug warmly.

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