Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

A few days passed by and Pooja continued to avoid Monica and Jiyasha at college. Jiyasha and Monica had started working on their project. Jiyasha was busy testing the viability of certain medicines delivered by Saxena industries and Monica was helping her. They both ignored Pooja in the best way possible as even Pooja was not ready to talk to them.

One day while working in the laboratory, they heard Monty and Diwakar speaking to each other audibly. In fact, Diwakar and Monty were intentionally talking loudly so that the girls heard them.

"Monty, answer me one question. Suppose there are three apples in a basket out of which two are rotten. So what happens to the other one? Does it get rotten too?" Diwakar asked loudly.

"It is a tough question, Diwakar. If two get rotten then the other one may get rotten too," Monty answered him.

"What if the better apple saves itself from the other two rotten ones and stays away? It can protect itself from being harmed right," Diwakar said smirking at the girls.

They both laughed wittily and continued teasing the girls. Pooja also understood their jokes but reacted as if she hadn't heard what they said.

Monica whispered to Jiyasha softly,  "For Pooja, these two jokers got the chance to tease us. But look at her, she didn't even feel bad."

"In fact she was the only one who used to always stand beside us when these two fought with us." Jiyasha was upset too.

During the lunch break, Monica and Jiyasha gathered in the college compound to enjoy their lunch. They were gossiping with each other and were trying to ignore every happening in their lives. They were trying to be happy together.

"Jiya, are you sure you want to spend this weekend at my place?" Monica asked her.

"I really want to stay out of the hostel for this particular weekend at least, I feel suffocated. We both need some fresh air," Jiyasha told her.

"Really you are right. My house is still in the city but yours is out of town, otherwise we could have gone to your place too."

"No way, I don't want to become more upset by going to my place." Jiyasha nodded her head vigorously.

"Then it is confirmed that we are going to my place this weekend but what about the next weekend? We will still be sad." Monica was upset.

"Did you forget that the college fest is coming up for the final year students? We have to attend it next week."

"Yes I have completely forgotten it."

"By the way what about your marriage?" Jiyasha asked her.

"We actually didn't plan it till now. I told him that after the college fest is over, we will think on it. You know Kabir has become more caring than before and gives priorities to me first. Nowadays he doesn't even mind if I am busy and he has started understanding me."

Jiyasha moved forward and patted Monica's cheeks. "Oh my dear, you are very lucky to have Kabir as your life partner. I pray that your love is not affected by any evil eye, not even mine."

"What are you saying, Jiya? You can't have an evil eye. Don't say that," Monica warned her.

Jiyasha wondered to herself, "I lost my love, in fact it was never mine. May be for this reason, Monica's love life may be affected by my evil eye. That's a proverb said by people. But I pray that nothing happens as such. I am really happy for her."

"But Jiya, what about your love life? Did you speak to him or meet him? You got to know who he is, right?" Monica asked her.

"Hmm.. I mean yes..actually..." before Jiyasha said anything more, they heard a familiar voice. As they turned round, they saw something very shocking.

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