Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Monty grinned upon hearing somebody's voice and a pull on his shoulder. He turned around and it almost gave him a heart attack when he saw the person's face. The person spoke again, "Don't be scared of me. I am not here to do any harm."

"Navin Sir!" Jiyasha hushed.

"You needed the keys to the file room but why is that so?" Navin asked.

Monty stared at Samira and then at Navin and said, "I needed the list of all the students taking drugs in this college."

"Taking drugs is a bad thing," Navin warned and then laughed seeing Monty's scary face. "I know I know, you want to win the election by utilizing drug addicted students."

"Yes, drug addicted people are lame ducks. They'll do what they are told to under any circumstances. They are so very sickened, if they don't receive the dose they need, they'll die. I just want to know if there are more students and newcomers who have enrolled themselves under this?" Monty asked Navin.

"Why are you asking me this? It should be in the files." Navin was surprised.

"No the latest ones are missing from here. I want to know who has hidden it? You are the one who signs and gives permission to all these in your college. Isn't it Navin Sir?" Monty yelled.

"Search properly, you will find there. I won't hide them for my own loss," Navin shouted back at him.

"Fine, cool down dad. We can again check them out later. It's not the suitable place to talk more," Samira tried to deviate the topic.

"I'm leaving now. I don't want anybody to see me with you. You both discuss and let me know what is to be done." Navin left and Monty turned to Samira.

"Samira, will you tell me how the files went missing? It's only Jatin Sir who has an access to the room. Will he do it?"

"You very well know that my brother is an honest man. He is against all these things and that's the reason he has made these lists of drugs addicted students to consult with them and send them to the rehabs on a suitable date. I don't think he'll have any reason to hide the names of the newcomers." Samira gasped under her breath when Monty pulled her closer.

"I hope you are not lying. Don't try to be clever or play with me. You know what I can do to you even though I love you. Keep that in mind," Monty warned pulling her hair.

"Ugh! It's hurting me Monty. You don't love me and I know that. You only need my body and you have already used it. I'm carrying your baby, don't you know? You also know that you are blackmailing me to tell everyone about our affair if I don't do what you say." Samira bursted out, unable to bear anymore.

"Shut up you bi*ch! Don't I know that you've slept with so many men and you don't even care who did what to you. You are a snake and you change boyfriends like clothes. I even know what all you did to make Kabir sleep with you but you couldn't. His love for Monica overempowered him. Don't blame me for making you pregnant, it was a passing affair but I fell for you. In fact you forced me to and I was foolish. I didn't know it was your nasty plan to get me in your plans to spoil Aryan and Jiyasha's image and I agreed. You were playing with my feelings and I thought everything to be real. Now you are telling me that it was my fault!"

"There was even your motive involved that you wanted to use me to win the elections. But when you got to know my brother was staying away from home and rejected me as his sister, you thought I could not help you more. But I did find a way to help you because I don't want Jiyasha to win."

"Forget all these and let me concentrate on the election promotions. I'll have to take the drug addicted students on my side and you start finding the new files. And remember you are under my control since you are carrying our baby. If you try to be clever, I'll disown you. I'll also see who accepts you again in his life." Monty warned and left the place.

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