Chapter 61

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Chapter 61


The mysterious date of Aryan's death left a remarkable scar in Jiyasha's mind. She had met him for the first time during her final year days and which was roughly a year ago. She was in the initial days of her second last semester when they had first encountered due to her project.

According to the death reports, Aryan had died almost fifteen months ago but she was suffering from the depression of his death for only the past five months. She was getting negative vibes already and many things were becoming clearer to her. She rushed to Manish's room and opened his cupboard for the second time. She committed the crime of touching his personal thing without permission but she had to do it anyhow. If not, she would become the biggest and worst loser of the world.

Flipping the pages of his diary, she found all his precious and original lyrics of songs. Most of them were in English and a few were in Hindi language too. Though he was living in New York, he had tried hard in imbibing the qualities and blending of Indian culture in him. Jiyasha did not waste a single second to recognize his handwriting, the handwriting which she had picturized by heart for the past five months. Manish possessed perfectly the same handwriting which was also the handwriting of the letter that Aryan had sent her.

Embracing one of Manish's diaries to her bosom, she rushed back to her room again. She had a lot many questions to ask, there were so many unanswered queries running both in her heart and brain. And she knew that there was only one answer to all her questions, it was Manish himself!

Jiyasha was confused which way to go and where to go. It was an urgent need to meet Manish as soon as possible but it was yet not sure if he would return home. She was not sure of his whereabouts and she was extremely afraid of the safety of his life.

Her fingers crawled towards the parcel which Manish had gifted her. She unfurled it to receive an another shock of her life. It contained the same pretty and beautiful pink dress which Aryan had gifted her once and it had got burnt in the accident at Kabir's farmhouse. The only difference was that it was a brand new one without any fault in it and was most probably designed and ordered by Manish for a second time.

Jiyasha contemplated for some time before coming to any conclusion. "I claim to love Manish or Aryan whosoever, but I have never tried to understand what his heart always craved for. I will prove my own self wrong today because I know what I'm supposed to do. I should try to learn to read his heart because he has always defeated me in terms of love. I'll prove grandma's fear to be wrong by bringing him back to his home safely."

Within ten minutes, Jiyasha was all dressed up in the beautiful pink dress and flaunting the simple makeup in which her husband loved to see her. Hanging the sling bag along the length of her curve, she was ready to leave the house for facing Manish strongly this time. A calm and relaxing ambience filled her perturbed mind due to the incomplete revelation of a few things. Yet there were many things which needed an answer. Also, Manish was liable to answer her for keeping her in the darkness for so long.

Jiyasha collided with Raghav on her way along the corridor as he was hurrying to meet her in her room. "Raghav, why are you here again? I know you are extremely hurt for what I did to your brother. I am going to apologize to him for that so don't worry."

A very broad smile covered Raghav's face. "Really? You are not leaving for India anymore."

"I don't know about that but at the moment I'm not. Meeting your brother is the most important thing for me."

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