Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

It was almost eleven in the morning when Jiyasha and her friends were walking along the pavement and they reached the park. They kept hoping for Jatin to have arrived there in time according to his promise. Monica and Pooja hid themselves while Jiyasha walked through the entrance.

"Isn't that person wearing the jacket looks like Jatin Sir?" Jiyasha thought to herself while moving towards the waiting man at the side of a bench. The man turned to her upon hearing her approaching footsteps.

"Sir!" Jiyasha whispered under her breath.

Jatin was shocked unexpectedly and spoke, "Pooja was supposed to be here and not you. So do I believe that it was your plan?"

"I am sorry Sir but you are right. It was completely my plan but I needed to talk to you. I really need a last chance from you to explain myself," Jiyasha pleaded folding her hands.

"Why should I listen to you at all? You three have disappointed me to the extreme. I could still consider you and Pooja but I will never forgive Monica. So are you following Monica's footsteps?" Jatin asked angrily.

"Sir, you are mistaken and I want to clear everything. Please listen to me once." Jiyasha softened her voice.

"I came here because Pooja asked me for a last chance. So I will also give you a chance to speak on your behalf. Let me know what you girls have to say," Jatin agreed to listen to her once.

Jiyasha narrated everything to him from the day she met with Aryan for the first time. Jatin listened to her carefully before putting forward his own conclusions.

"Monica was included into all these planning? She doesn't even understand a simple thing that her best friend doesn't want to be with Aryan and she forced you into the relationship?" Jatin nodded his head.

"We can't deny that he saved her life so many times. It was correct on her part to help him in getting me. She doesn't even know about Aryan's truth and no one should even come to know about it until everything is exposed. I have to bear all the sufferings alone. But what is the use of talking about it now? People know me as Aryan's wife and I can't help it or come out of the fake relationship until he is punished." Jiyasha bent her forehead.

"I'm sorry that I misunderstood you. From now on, even I am with you in the expedition of catching the culprit. Ask me whenever you need any help but I will never forgive Monica. About Pooja, I'll definitely forgive her." Jatin said patting her shoulder.

"Sir, Monica is pregnant and you shouldn't risk her baby's life at least. Please do not be harsh on her and allow her to complete her degree. We are looking forward to get her married to Kabir very soon. Whatever she is, she did all the plans after thinking about my well being. She had never intended to hurt anyone." Jiyasha requested him.

"You are unbelievable. You are still worried for Monica. Okay I won't tell her anything but I hope she doesn't repeat her mistakes again. Now where is Pooja?" Jatin asked her.

"Sir, she is waiting outside. I'll send Pooja and Monica to you. Please forgive them. I'm leaving because I have some other work to be done as well," saying so, Jiyasha left the park after informing her friends about Jatin's approval.

Later, Monica and Pooja reconciled with Jatin but he still continued to stay aloof from Monica for the time being. It might continue unless his anger for her would subside and he was ready to accept her.


Jiyasha reached Aryan's office and met Amar outside.

"Jiyasha ma'am, do you need anything? You could have called me home," Amar asked her politely.

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