Yandere Moments

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All of these will be their POV.

Monito (Monika):

I know everything about my (Y/N), EVERYTHING! She's my one true love I need to know everything about her to make her happy. I only live for her and if anyone try's to get in the way of our love will suffer a faith worse then death, I promise that. I look around the corner to see her picking up food for her self and followed her till she was safely home again. This made me smile knowing she's safe. I started on my way home knowing I could now watch her trough the cameras I had in her house. We will have a love that will last forever, she doesn't have a choice~

Yuri (Yuki):

(Y/N)....my angel....my pure little angel. I knew from the moment I sew her she needed to be protected, I'm just so happy I'm the one to be her hero....her knight to save her from those who want to cause her harm. I quickly looked around to make sure no one would see me. Seeing I was safe, I went looking in my (Y/N) bag for a little something for me to use when I miss her. I'm sure if she knew I did this she'd be fine with it but the she'd worry about me and I don't want that. Soon I came across a pen that would be very useful for when I need it. Haha very useful indeed hahahah!

Satsuke (Sayori):

I had a love sick smile on my face as I looked at one of the hundred pictures I had of my beautiful sunshine. That was always a perfect name for her, her smile was as bright as the sun, her eyes were always sparkaling and her laugh, oh god her laugh, it's like music. I need to protect her, to make sure she's always happy and if anyone trys to stop her happiness or upsets her, aha, lets just say they wont be HANGING around her for long. My smile turned into crazed one as got to the next picture in my phone that was boy who was too close to MY sunshine.

Netsuki (Natsuki):

That bastard.....thinking she was just so slut.....WHO THE HELL DOES HE THINK HE IS!?! I almost never found out who he was.....but now, he's fucked! (Y/N) is as sweet and pure as a cupcake and is as perfect as one too, so for someone to want to taint her pure nature, ha, well did you know there's a easy to get poison that wont come up when you bake it into something and it just looks like they had a heart attack or something. So what would some dumb fuck do if he though his crush left him some goodies for him in his locker because 'he deserved them', what do you think he'll do?

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