I Love You

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Monito (Monika): (He says it first)

It was a normal day, Monito was walking (Y/N) home from school and something in Monito's head thought that this was the perfect time to share his feelings.

"I really love you (Y/N)"

(Y/N) stopped walking while Monito kept walking a few more steps before turning to (Y/N) with his famous smile to on his face. Then he moved closer so he was right up to (Y/N)'s face, who was now bright red.

"Do you love me too (Y/N)~"

"...Ha, of course I love you too, Monito"

Monito's eyes went wide for a seconded before going into a closed eyed smile and gave (Y/N) a kiss on her forehead.

Yuri (Yuki): ((Y/N) says it first)

They were both just chatting about a book series they have been reading together. This is something they usually do and enjoyed doing. While Yuri was talking about a character he enjoyed, (Y/N) couldn't help but look loving at him as he got excited over what he was saying and then it just came out.

"I love you...."

Both their faces turned red from shock over what (Y/N) said. She quickly looked everywhere but Yuri, thinking of a way out.

"Do you mean that...?"

"....Of course I do...."

Yuri moved forward to place a kiss on top of (Y/N)'s head. When he pulled away, his face was bright red but he was still smiling, looking right at (Y/N).

"I love you too (Y/N), so much..."

Satsuke (Sayori): (He/(Y/N) say it at the same time)

They both were strangely talking about this, a little unsure who should say it first. They both knew how they fault for each other but neither of them have said it yet. The both of them were just sitting in Satsuke's room talking a little of everything. Soon the both of them went silent, just looking at each other like love sick puppies and that's when it happened.

"I love you" (I don't know how to make it seem like they both said something at the same time)

They both looked at each other in shock before they both started laughing.

They both placed their foreheads together and just kept sharing kisses and 'I love yous'.

Netsuki (Natsuki): (He says it first)

It was just the two of them relaxing in (Y/N)'s living room, as she tried to cheer Netsuki over a death of a character from one of his manga's. He was just laying down face first into the sofa mumbling about how it was unfair or how he would change it.

While he was doing this, (Y/N) had him lay his head on her lap while she stroked his hair. This sent Netsuki close to sleep, but before he could he told (Y/N) he loved her then fell asleep.

(Y/N) was shocked over what she just heard but left it till morning, so she just smiled and continued to stroke his hair before she fell asleep too.

When moring came, (Y/N) told Netsuki what he said last night. This of course lead to Netsuki going bright red and stuttering out excuses and appliques.

The only way (Y/N) could get him to stop is to give him a kiss and tell him she loved him too.

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