How You Greet Each Other

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Monito (Monika):

Monito has a habit to creep up behind his (Y/N), before picking you up in a hug and spinning you around sometimes. Then setting you down to kissing the top of your head and giving you a loved filled smile.

"Hi Love, Did I scar you? Haha I'm sorry *kiss*. I just can't help getting that cute look on your face".

Yuri (Yuki):

Whenever Yuri sees you, a calm smile is always on his face before going over to tap you on the shoulder. When you turn to face him, him smiles grows and slowly taking your hand.

"Hello dear, how has your day been so far today? If you've finished that book I gave you, I've found a new one we can read together".

Satsuke (Sayori):

As soon as Satsuke sees you, the smile on his face goes twice as big and runs full speed to his (Y/N), almost crushing you with the hug he gives you, before giving a massive kiss and rambling about missing you.

"(Y/N)!!!!! How you been?! I've missed you sooooo much!!!" *Kiss*.

Netsuki (Natsuki):

Even if Netsuki seems grumpy, he is always looking forward to seeing you. Usually a small insult before giving a small kiss to the cheek, a smile on his face and goes to hold your hand.

"There you are (Y/N)! I've been looking for you, where have you been? *blush* It's not cause I was worried or anything , j..just....SHUT UP, let's get going already!"

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