Having Lunch Together

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Monito (Monika):

They each would take turns who would make lunch for that day. It was a nice system, the only time this system was broken is when one of them was ill or it was their birthday.

Weirdly there is very little talking between the two. It's not that they didn't know what to say to each other, it's more they just feel relaxed and calm during this time that they don't need to talk. If there is talking, it's usually one of them complementing the other over the food or how they look for the day.

"Mmmhh this food tastes amazing (Y/N), your like my own personal chef~......what?....haha if anyone looks cute it'd be you (Y/N)~"

Yuri (Yuki):

It was usually (Y/N) who makes the food but there are some times where Yuri makes something for her. This is usually during her birthday or valentines day.

They both would take this time to talk about random things or a new book series they've found. They both enjoyed this time because it was always just the two of them relaxing.

"So how was your day so far?.....that's nice, I'm glade you are having a nice day.......have I what?.....oh yes I remember that, it's a very good book to read if you want something more mystery based!"

Satsuke (Sayori):

It would usually be a bit of both of them who make the food or they'd be too lazy and just buy something while they're out.

It was a good idea and both would enjoy their time to eat together. The only problem is that Satsuke had a habit of taking (Y/N)'s food. (Y/N) would always get angry at this but Satsuke would always make it up by buy desert for the both of them.

"Awww come on (Y/N), I'm sorry! The food just tasted so good~. How about I get us some ice cream as a sorry.....YAY (Y/N) FOGIVES ME!"

Netsuki (Natsuki):

Netsuki will always want to make lunch for (Y/N) but he doesn't always have enough money to buy ingredients. When (Y/N) found out about this, she decided to buy the ingredients her self so they both are helping some how.

At first Netsuki didn't like this idea, thinking he's not looking after (Y/N) like he wanted to. But after some time, he began to like how they were supporting each other like this.

"If your going to get the food I have to come too, you'll get the wrong thing....and, I guess it'll be nice to walk with you too..."

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