part 12

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So how many of u expected an early update. 

well............this is compensation for delay......

enjoy the update..........

Happy reading....


avni's point of view:

Neil got up early I guess and started to wake me up.

"Avni get up u have to go for Ur regular walk. Get up. It's time for workout." His voice was constantly ringing on my ears while I wasn't able to concentrate back to my dream from which I was been distracted by none than Neil himself with his morning workout chores.

"Neil 5 minutes" I scrolled in sleep which went into deaf ears. I felt something pulling my hand and then found out that it Neil who pulled my hand to wake me up.

"Ouch. Are u for real!!!!!!!! U are hurting me" I complained as I woke up to the military Neil  though it was not at all painful. Neil pushed the coffee mug towards me which I took happily leaning towards the headboard soon joined by Neil on my side. I put my head back to his shoulders again dozing off while he patted my cheeks forcefully making me open my eyes wide open.

"Why are u so arrogant Mr. Khanna, not even letting me sleep for a while more." I once again complained not been able to bear his this regular waking up activity. He is doing this for past 15 days since the day doctor has told that I need exercises to get a healthy normal delivery which is not usual procedure for twins because of lazy mom's who don't work out regularly.

"Because I want u three to be safe and sound. And u not to suffer much on delivery. Doctors said that during first pregnancy it really takes much time for u to dilate. This may lead to several complications. To avoid all those I want Ur hip bones to get stronger enough to dilate and hence regular walking is needed for that. This is what doctor instructed me to do and this is why I am waking u up daily." There goes Mr. caring Khanna who can do anything to keep me stress free. I hugged him sideways in the same sitting position getting little emotional seeing his concern while there came impossible Khanna too in the way shamelessly.

"U know what U harassed me yesterday and also u were half a way to rape me. I don't have any protection to my sanity around ur lusty eyes." I frowned at what he said.

I glared at him lifting my head looking at him while he was suppressing his laughter which may burst out anytime.

"Is that so? But I saw u starring at me thought the day shamelessly even after knowing that I am pregnant. So what is the meaning of that?" I fired back to which he just smiled sheepishly.

So shameless. I guess it will be me who will have pregnancy hormones but here all the things are opposite.

After refreshing myself I went down with my track and tee which made a clear view of my big baby bump. Unlike other's bump mine is completely irregular in shape with certain pits here and there while certain place bulged than normal.

(a/n. sorry for such a pathetic description, but as much as twin pregnant mothers I saw they are not perfectly oval as regular single baby pregnant mothers will hold.)

I gave three full round over the walking trace of the park which has more than 50 peoples walk regularly almost crowded everyday.

Neil was coming besides me holding towel and water bottle in case if I needed it while I panted and puffed in between in order to earn pity from Neil to discard the training off today then and there but it was an utter failure.

After the good 5 rounds Neil made me stop and sit on the bench as that is the regular target and that was reached. He never gives me a cheat day. This is not fair. I complained to my babies who were wide awake now I guess moving here and there in my bump.

"Neil I am hungry. See even the baby is moving." I showed my bump above the cloths covered as Now a days we could easily see our babies moving with the moment in my bump which is Clear from even the layers of cloth. Neil placed his hands on my bump to feel the moments and as babies responded to his touch over the bump he pressed a kiss over there.

"Come let's go home and eat something. My angel's may be hungry" he said and I smiled at it. He has a strong assumption that there are girl babies inside which I don't want to oppose and make him upset. Hence I too gave into his this assumption. 

I took the water bottle from Neil and started to drink water while Neil went away to attend a phone call. He usually speak in front of me but for the past 2 days Neil is doing this secretly. Though it is been susceptible Neil usually don't want me to involve me in his dangerous missions. So I thought that it may be one of his such missions. Hence I remained silent.

After good ten minutes Neil came back smiling at me as if someone has granted him permission to stay home with me for a full day. But that is not possible as Neil's workload is heavy these days which is even making him work extra hours. But that doesn't mean that he is not there with me. He accompanies me to each of my checkups as he promised on the first one as well as he fulfils all my crazy wishes and cravings at anytime of the day and night. Though I miss him through the day his constant call and messages to make me smile and to make me forget his absence can never be neglected. Words can never describe the concern Neil showers upon me.

By the time we reached the car and I sat down. Neil after slowly placing the seat belt and double checking weather it is locked he took the car in a decent slow speed. He usually drives the same while I am around. And my chain of thoughts carried to the rest of the journey as the soft music good for babies development, started to play in the car. That was also Neil's idea.

Where there were days while I hated love. My belief in men were not even worthy to rate to negative. Neil made all my beliefs to be wrong. He made me believe in love.  After Ayesha maa Neela maa took me into her embrace showering me with all her love and Neela maa's best gift was Neil in my life.

I lifted my head to thank neela maa while we were in car and I was lost in my own thoughts.

Ayesha maa and Neela maa made my childhood and adulthood into betterment and Neil over here is goanna do that to the rest of my life and no one can be as lucky as me even though it is possible.

Though nothing came perfectly in my life from my Naamkaran to my marriage, I feel that this pregnancy and my happy family is the only best and normal thing that is happening in my life surrounded with love and care.

I placed my hands on my stomach and rubbed it gently. My babies respond to my touches too. They immediately moved inside causing a sort of fluffing sensation inside me in the utter proudness that my babies recognize their parents easily.

"You both over there. U guys are very lucky enough to have Neil as ur father." I turned my head towards Neil who had the same plastered smile over his face while facing the road concentrating the traffic.

Now what is cooking inside this impossible tillu? I wondered. Well I guess I will get to know that also soon.


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