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Neil was standing on the door of room where the cradle is placed and where his two worlds were sleeping peacefully.

He was smiling sheepishly over the way his daughter was sleeping with one leg over the other at her own swag. And his son with his cute pout as his cheeks is pressed on the bottom. He was chirpy and bubbly just like his mom.

How cute they are. Neil was continuously awing the babies in his uniform still as he has just now returned from the station. It was 10 at night right now and he guessed that Avni would be fast asleep. But before approaching her Neil went to see the babies directly after entering the home. That is his usual habit.

After kissing both of their cheeks without disturbing their pleasant dream, Neil went to his room and paused while his eyes met Avni. She was standing near the window pane along coffee mug with her back facing him and having scripts of some of her edits that she is to submit to the channel. Yes, she is the part time editor of a company firm which handles a social magazine. She was deeply into the thoughts of how to put words correctly while Neil was hardly controlling himself from taking her right away while his eyes were ogling her shamelessly as her saree was exposing her milky back in a very bad way. Just bad enough for him to feel too hot in this wet rainy climate.

"Uffffffffffff........why did she still not changing her night wear. U are such a tease Mrs. Khanna." Neil cursed slowly for his dirty thoughts and her dress is not doing anything good. "I guess need a shower badly or else nothing that happens could be controlled."

But meanwhile Avni just turned to see Neil standing in the door.

"Neil when did u come." Avni smiled at him which he reciprocated doubtfully.

"Met babies" she asked hugging me her body pressed against mine. Having a year old babies in the adjacent room I am not expecting too much from Avni right. But nothing is going to help now for Neil, as his wild thoughts were all up to takeover all his control.

Neil slowly pressed himself by hugging her chest crashing over while hands over her waist exactly the exposed place squeezing her gently over there to which Avni gasped a little. Understanding what he is up to as she felt his bulge over her stomach she tried to step away only to be pulled more closely by Neil. Never had she thought that a hug could turn on him this badly. But still whom she can blame. Her hug or her dress or both. Seeing Avni lost in her own thoughts Neil grabbed her chin slamming their lips together as a lost puzzle.

Avni initially didn't respond while Neil pinched her hips slightly earning a gasp from her making her grant the permission for entrance. Their lips went on a sink and both were not in a mood to break the kiss. They tasted each other after this long time and now they are sensing how badly their body wanted each other. Neil's hand slowly started to reach the hook of her blouse in between the kiss while she opened her eyes to have a look at Neil who has his eyes still closed while hands kneading her hips and waist to keep her properly in place.

The air was getting thickened and their breathings were becoming heavy as Neil moved downwards. After pulling Avni more into himself, He started to suck her neck giving her a hickey over there marking her as his once again and avni's hands were on Neil's shirt opening it so that she can also feel his skin. They both now with no shame constantly biting each other's neck and sucking each other here and there while not been able to take it anymore Neil removed avni's saree faster scratching her skin in his swift moments while Avni also helped him at complicated areas. Neil lifted Avni to the bed as he axed his own clothes.

Getting over Avni he was hovering over her making her pant and puff with his each magical touch while worshiping her body.

"Neil" Avni moaned in pleasure under his ministrations while Neil grabbed the protection from his pocket ready to enter into glorious world. He looked into avni's eyes for permission while she in response pulled him for another kiss.

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