Chapter 8

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Star and company crossed through the portal.

All of them had been to Mewni before, so they all couldn't help but expect the same thing.

However, their expectation vs the reality did not match.

"Oh, my word" Queen Moon said, while her husband's eyes threatened to pop out of their sockets.

Everybody else just stood there and gapped.

The lowest part of Mewni where the peasants lived, that was known to be ridiculous poor that they couldn't even afford to bath regularly, had transformed.

Instead of everybody around them wearing rags, they were wearing fairly high-class clothes, even the surrounding kingdoms living on Mewni walked amongst the citizens and even the Monsters did so as well and nobody batted an eye at them.

The terrible streets that always smelled, were now perfectly clean and the houses were up there with Earth standards for a regular family.

"Star." Tom whispered to Star. "The other you is amazing" his poor never looked this good.

Both Mr and Mrs Diaz felt the urge to take pictures but didn't because they were on a very mission to find their son.

Star looked at the Monsters going about their day so casually without anybody beating an eye.

So, it was possible for Mewmans and Monsters to live together.

Then she realised what kind of terrible person the other her was and couldn't help but wonder if they were united by fear.

" This no time to be starring!" Star said, "We have to get to the Palace and find Marco"

"Right" All three said.

Tom then took out his wings and grabbed both Mr and Mrs Diaz while Star used her wand to get higher.

With all this going on, they should have been questioning why nobody had been staring at them like back on, this reality's, earth.

Star did look a lot like Queen Star.

Instead what was actually happening was, several spies want to inform Queen Star of their arrival.

Dark Star know they were here.

Ch 8: That's Marco!?

As much as they wanted to sight see, they know they had to get into Mewni palace somehow without alerting the other Star that they were there.

They couldn't risk her attention, because they would never be able to fight their way out if something happened.

"There!" Star said, pointing at shop, almost at their level in height that said 'Fantastic Customes R Us'

They all managed to land roughly on the ledge.

"Is everybody okay?" Star said, looking at Mr and Mrs Diaz, since she know they weren't built like her and Tom.

"G-Give us a second" Mr Diaz said, both of them used a second to pass through the pain.

"Okay, were good" Mrs Diaz said.

All four of them then tried the door and it opened.

However it wasn't until they want inside did they realise, the door they actually went through was the back of the store which meant that everybody at the store was defiantly aware of them, as soon as they stepped in.

"Seriously. Why can't you people use the front door like everybody else" Said, a voice that all four of them recognised and their jaw dropped at the sight of a floating Pony head.

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