Chapter 9

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Marco Diaz could honestly say he was happy, right now.

He thought that he would have missed his original reality but he didn't.

Because he didn't have any time to think about what he left behind due to Dark Star and her none stop adventure's.

They had been collecting thing's from all over the dimensions and for some reason she had been building a machine with those thing's.

He asked what the machine was for but she just told him, that it was a surprise that he would know, when she officially introduces him as a Prince.

Maybe it wasn't a congratulations gift?

Even Toffee was tight lipped about it and always found some way to escape whenever the machine was brought up.

The royal dresser had come into his room a few days before, just to get his managements for the suit he would be wearing.

However, nobody in any reality was allowed to touch his hair and those who tried to tame it, was immediately kicked out.

And now he was here at the party.

And Sick of it.

9: Being Honest.

"ENOUGH!" He yelled.

His voice echoed across the interior of the castle and everybody stopped talking and turned to him.

He had been swamped by a herd of women who wouldn't let him speak and were touching him in places, he did not like.

"I'm going out for some fresh air" He said, calming down before ordering. "And nobody is to bother me"

He then began to climb the step's, anybody who dared to rush after him was immediately blocked by guards, on both sides of the staircase.

"Is that really Marco? He's certainly got the voice of a leader." Tom said, impressed.

Mr and Mrs Diaz tried to push their way to the front of the line on both entrances but the guards were like brick walls, refusing even a hair to get passed them.

They had been denied yet again from speaking to their only child.

Realising it was useless, they all pulled out of those crowds and with less people on a certain side of the room, Star found her group.

"Star" Tom said, rushing to her and Mr and Mrs Diaz right behind him.

"Okay, everyone. Handle up." Star said, as they huddled and she whispered. " How do we get past those guards?"

"I could blast them. That would give you any opening" Tom said.

"Are you insane, Tom?" Star said. "This place is crawling with guards and 'Miss Physio' over there isn't that far away from us. Who knows how fast you'll be captured and what they'll end up doing to you!" what's worse, was that she couldn't take out her wand.

"Then, it's up to us" Mr Diaz said, getting both Star and Tom to look at him with confusion.

"Star. Just get ready to dive when you see any opening" Mrs Diaz said, reading her husband mind, it saddens her but Star was the best choice to go up there and talk to Marco.

Star nodded and pushed her way through the crowd of people to the guards on the right side of the stairs.

Then it happened.

"THEIF!" Mrs Diaz screamed, getting everybody attention.

"Oh, no. Somebody just stole my beautiful wife Dimond Necklace!" Mr Diaz said, before saying. "And he just went out the door!"

Dark Prince Marco (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن