Chapter 8

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~4 years later~
I was chasing a vampire through the forest. She was weaving through the trees trying to get me off her trail. I was smarter and was jumping tree to tree. I finally caught up to her and pounced. "Gotcha Bree." I tell her. "Mom that was so unfair!" Bree tells me. "No it wasn't you were just slow." I reply. "No sir your just extremely fast. I'm only half vampire and a quarter shifter, and your a half vampire and a half shifter." She tells me. I know that your thinking that I adopted Bree. Nope, she is my daughter on a mission about 2 years ago I was raped by Edward. Bree was the only good thing out of the incident. Let's just say that Edward is no longer alive. I don't know how I got pregnant I just did Bree grew faster than a normal baby and now looks 16. "Mommy could you beat up Seth for me?" Angel asks in my head. "What did he do this time." I ask her. "He stole my favorite blanket." She tells me. Bree and I giggle. "I'll get him for you sis." Bree tells her. "Thanks sissy." Angel tells her. I shift into a horse and Bree gets on my back. I start running to the castle. I get there and Bree jumps off my back. We walk in and I see Seth dangling Angel's blanket above her head. Bree growls and Seth's head snaps up. He drops the blanket shifts and starts to run. Bree shifts into her tiger and chases after Seth. I giggle and pick up Angel. "Where's momma and Mom?" I ask her. "There in the throne room with uncle Jake and uncle Emmet who are wrestling again." She tells me. "Thanks Angel." "No problem mommy. I can't wait till my next birthday I hate being so little." She tells me. "I know Angel it sucks but you only have a year left." I tell her. She nods and I put her down. She grabs her blanket and takes off towards her room. I walk into the thrown room to see my dad watching Emmet and Jacob wrestle. Caius was talking with Victoria. Aro was talking to Alice who became his daughter. I see Seth on the ground on his back with Bree growing at him. "What's it feel like to get beat by a girl,Seth?" Bree asks Seth through the pack bond. He whines and she gets off. "Hey mom I beat Seth again." She tells me. "I can see that." I tell her. I walk over to Victoria and kiss her cheek then I walk over to Alice and do the same. I walk over to my throne and sit down. I start thinking about what has happened the past 4 years. Jacob, Seth,Leah, Quil,and Embry. Left Sam's pack and lived with us. I had Bree who could read minds like her father. The Cullen's left and Rosalie and Emmet joined the Volturi. Alice gave Rosalie a vampire gift so she could now control the elements. Emmet got a gift of invisibility. Vicky, Ali, the pack, and the Volturi hunted down Edward and tortured him to death. The lion/tiger pack moved.Bree and Seth imprinted on each other"Whatcha thinking about mom?" Bree asks me. "The past few years." I tell her. She nods her head and sits on her throne. "We have a new mission for the Swans!" Aro yells even tho everyone could here him. The rest of the pack , Rosalie, Emmet, and Angel came in. Vicky,Ali, Bree, and I walk down their and join them. "There are humans going missing in Seattle and bodies left behind drained of blood I want you all to investigate it might take a while and Caius Marcus and myself have decided that you all are going to take a break for a couple of years. So we have enrolled you in Forks high school you all start next week." Aro tells us. "What's our back story?" I ask them. "You all are brothers and sisters adopted by your parents except Bella, Bree and the pack. You guys were related to the adopted parents but your parents died so your adopted parents adopted you. Bella you were raped 4 years ago and had Angel. Your parents are close to the Cullens and that's how you know them." He tells us. We all nod. "Ok your plane will be leaving soon so go pack and head to it." Aro says we all nod and blur to our rooms. I pack my bag then Angel's. Vicky and Ali packed theirs. "Are you two exited?" I ask them. "I am I get to reorganize everyone's closet." Alice says excitedly. "I finally get to experience high school again." Vicky says. "We need to figure out who is going to date Bella though." Alice says. "How about both of you we can say I'm a player." I suggest. "I like that idea." Vicky says. "I agree." Alice says. "Then it's decided." I say. "Mom, Alice, Victoria hurry up it's time to go!" I hear Bree yell. I laugh and grab my bags and Angel's and walk to the plane.
~10 hours later~
We arrived at Seattle and got off the plane. I hid Angel in a pet carrier and walked over to my van that Marcus bought me. "Ok everyone let's go." I tell everyone. "Who's gonna drive?" Jacob asks. "Can I?" Bree asks. "Sure sweetie." I tell her. Everyone groans. I laugh. We arrive at the house Aro bought for us. It was big enough for everyone to have their own room and to have two extra bedrooms. Everyone picked out there rooms with Vicky, Ali, and I in the master bedroom. I put Angel to bed and find Bree passed out on the couch. "Emmet could you help me?" I whisper yell. Emmet walks over to Bree and carries her to her room. I hear all the wolves asleep upstairs. The vampires all blur to the living room. "Let's go inform the Cullens of our arrival." I tell them. They nod and we run to the Cullens. I knock on the door and Carlisle answers the door. "Ah Bella what brings you and your family here?" Carlisle asks. "We are hear to investigate the missing humans in Seattle and when we are done with that we are going to live here for a couple more years." I tell him. "Thank you for informing us. Why don't you come and and visit for a while I'm sure Esme would love to see you again." Carlisle tells us. We nod and enter the house. Esme comes downstairs and sees us and squeals. She blurs over to me and hugs me. "What are you all doing here?" She asks. "We are here to investigate the killings in Seattle and then live here for a few years." I tell her. She lets me go and starts hugging everyone else. "I'm so glad you all are here it's been quite boring without you all." She says. "Well Mom it's quite boring without you to." Emmet says. "Please tell us how to control him he's already broken a wall and a lot of windows." Victoria asks Esme. Carlisle and Esme laugh. Jasper and Tanya come down the stairs next. "Hey Jasper good to see you." Rosalie tells them. "Nice to see you to." He replies. We talk for a while and then us Swans head home. I walk into the house to see the pack eating some breakfast and Bree giving Seth a noogie. I hear Angel mewing in the living room. I walk over to Bree and kiss her forehead. "So who's ready to go investigate Seattle?" I ask. I here a chorus of I ams. "I'm going to drop off Angel at the Cullens then we will go." I tell them I hear a chorus of ok Bella and one ok mom. I blur to the living room and pick up Angel the take her to the Cullens. "Thank you for babysitting for me Esme." I tell her. "It's no problem Bella." She tells me. I say goodbye to her and head home. I get there and every one was already ready to go. So we headed off to Seattle.

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