Chapter 17

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An: As you guys know I have been having some things going on and haven't been updating recently. I've gotten sorted out and I am going to get back into a routine for updating. So here is a new chapter. Seth is the boy in the middle, Bree is the girl on the right and Amanda is the girl on the left. I hope you guys are enjoying this book. Love ya guys! -NA

It has been 16 years since Bree and Seth's death. Bree, Seth and Amanda shifted into there human forms 5 years after their deaths. They are all really smart and all go to school. Rosalie and Emmet moved out 3 years ago along with Tanya and Jasper. Angel and Embry stopped shifting so they could grow old together. EJ imprinted on Bree and both are very loving. Seth imprinted on Emma and love to cuddle on the couch. Quil and Scarlet moved but are close by if we need help. Apollo and Leah did the same. Bree imprinted on Olivia and both live in a small cabin near by. Amanda hasn't imprinted on anyone yet and is a momma's girl. "Momma?" Amanda said breaking me out of my thoughts. Her brown and blue eyes piercing into mine with sadness. "Yes sweetie?" I reply back. "Why am I different from everyone? I mean first of all I have a penis and I'm a girl and second of all I am a wolf tiger hybrid, what is wrong with me?" She asks me with tears in her eyes. "Baby nothing is wrong with you you are just special." I tell her hugging her. I play with her hair until I hear a loud roar. Amanda and I jump up. I run out the door and shift mid stride I look behind me to see my pack. We run towards the roar and run into a little clearing. In the clearing we see a female liger with light purple eyes fighting against a cougar shifter. I hear a loud snarl from behind me. I turn to see Amanda glaring at the cougar shifter. Amanda runs towards the fight and tackles the cougar shifter. She grabs it's throat and bites down. I trot over to the liger shifter. "Are you okay young one?" I ask her. " I'm fine, thank you for saving me." she says to us. "What is your name young one?" I ask her. "My name is Chrystal." she replies. I gasp and everyone around me looks at me. "Were you at one point apart of a lion and tiger pride?" I ask her and she nods. "How do you know that?" She asks. I shift into a liger. "Because I'm the one who combined them." She gasps. "Bella?" she asks. I nod my head. She tackles me and licks my face. I heard a growl next to me. I lool over to see Amanda staring at me with jealousy and a small bit of hatred. I get up and back away from Chrystal. Amanda walks over to her and starts rubbing against her. "Mine." She growls through the pack link. The pack and I back away from them. "Ok we need to do something about these cougar shifters." I tell the pack as we leave the clearing. They nod there heads. I shift into my wolf and start to smell around the boarder of the clearing. I catch the scent of the cougar and start running towards it's origins with everyone except Amanda and Chrystal. We reach a boarder that smells like the cougars. "Split up and surround the boarder." I tell the pack. They nod and take off running. I shift into a pure white cougar and walk into the boarder. I follow the scents to a small group of houses. I roar and sit and wait. Pretty soon a huge pack of cougar shifters run towards me. The biggest one stops and so do the rest. "What are you doing on our land." The leader hisses. "Well actually I am here to get revenge for my daughter and aon that one of your shifters attacked and killed leaving there children parent less." I respond. One of the female shifters backs away. The rest, the boys, just laugh. "How is one measly cougar going to get revenge on a giant pack?" The alpha says snickering. "Who said I was alone?" I say smiling. They stop laughing and I roar. My pack comes running in and surrounds them. I open the pack bond to the cougars so they knew what was happening. "Seth, Bree come here please." I say to my children. They step forward and Seth growls and Bree hisses at the cougars. "These are the pack responsible for your parents death." I tell them. They glare at the cougars. I then shift into my wolf and look towards my pack. "I want all of the adult males killed leave the women and children give them a chance to raise a new pack the right way." I tell them. I heard a chorus of 'yes alpha' and 'yes mom'. I smile and lunge ant the alpha and kill him. Then my pack starts a killing spree. I howl a very powerful and painfilled  howl because my family had finally gotten a full revenge for my son and daughter. My pack finished and we ran home.

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