➳ thirty two

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After that incident with Joy unintentionally showing a savage side of her which fortunately, wasn't witnessed by her own daughter because Joy does not have an intention of scaring the young girl, she had been more ready for visitors.

It was crazy! Surely, Sohyun knows about her and Sungjae's past but what haunts her mind is that how Sohyun finds out about her coffee shop?

Has Sungjae really lost his nonexistent mind and told his fianceé about it knowing that Joy owns it? And to add even more scare, he let his mother come. Why? To make Joy suffer more? Knowing that they used to be really close but now they can't even talk properly because obviously Sungjae's mom is aware of the "cheating" incidence.

If that's true then Sungjae is a whole new level of a douche bag!

It's 10 am already when Joy got a call from the nursery center.

She immediately answered, "Hello?"

"Hello, is this Mrs.Park Sooyoung?"

Joy had the urge to roll her eyes at how the teacher addressed her but she does not have the time for it. The way the teacher talked in a worried tone made Joy anxious, "Yes, this is her. Is everything alright?"

"I can't really explain it through phone call so can you please come and pick your daughter up? She wants to see you," said the woman and Joy did not even waste time and flew to the nursery center.

Since the center isn't that big, with only 3 classrooms, Joy instantly saw Areum's teacher.

When the teacher saw Joy, she immediately excused herself from the children and told the assistant teacher to take over for a moment.

Joy's knuckles are white because she unconsciously kept her hands shut from too much nervousness. When the teacher approached her, "Where's my daughter? Why did you call me? Is she okay? Is she hurt?" Joy bombarded the woman with questions while trying to peek inside the classroom, looking for her daughter. Her hands are clammy and her breathing not even.

It's Areum they are talking about so there's no way Joy can calm down.

"Areum's not physically hurt and she's not here. Please follow me," The teacher lead the way and Joy followed. Upon knowing that Areum's not hurt, she calmed down a little.

"Here's the thing Mrs.Park, I tasked the children to draw all the people in their homes. Andㅡ well, Areum was the one who finished first so I called her to the front and made her introduce everyone in her drawing," The teacher's voice is low, almost as if she's embarrassed, "I'm so sorry, I-I didn't know that Areum have that kind situation and I also did not expect the other kids to make fun of her,"

The two of them stopped right in front of the clinic, "I brought her here because she was crying nonstop and she wanted to get away from the other kids," The teacher turned her head to Joy who's eyes are full of tears but they didn't fall yet, "My deepest apologies, I should've known first before making them do that, I hope you understand,"

Joy nodded her head, "Please no, it's not your fault teacher, I'll go take her," Joy bowed to the teacher and made her way inside the clinic.

The teacher gave her an abashed smile before turning her heels and going back to her classroom.

Joy couldn't even make herself to touch the doorknob of the clinic.

She felt so sorry for Areum and so embarrassed of herself. Joy doesn't have the courage to even face her own daughter because Joy's so shameful. Areum does not deserve all of this!

What if Areum hates her now?

What if Areum doesn't want to see her anymore?


The Daughter ↬ SUNGJOY [EDITING!]Where stories live. Discover now