➳ forty-six

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Days went by just like that. Small interactions with the two is the only thing Sungjae needed to know that his day is completed. Needless to say, he's starting to feel genuine happiness again. It's like his life is becoming a blooming flower; beautiful, amazing, blissful. Such words are actually an understatement because no words can explain how he feels.

Of course there are times that suddenly Joy becomes hesitant of him but most of the time, she lets him talk to Areum but she's there monitoring how the talk goes. But it's not like Sungjae will say something unneeded or that the talk goes longer than 5 minutes. He just wants to get closer with Areum, and with Joy- again.

His day is yet again complete when he got to say goodbye to Areum when he was patrolling around and Joy's car happened to pass by. The speed of the car slows down and Areum lowered the window down and screamed at him a goodbye. Sungjae returned it with an enthusiastic wave and an awfully wide smile.

Actually, Sungjae's kind of obsessing with the way Areum calls him; Policeman-ahjussi!

Cute and very polite. What made it more special is that it came from his own daughter's lips. Imagine if the day comes and he got the chance to be called 'Appa' by Areum? He'll probably die of happiness or scream with such delight or both.

Happy days weren't the only ones out there though, there's got to be a bad day too and Sungjae isn't an exception.

Sungjae is lying on his bed, checking his gallery which is full of stolen photos of her daughter. If somebody sees it, they will probably think of him as a creep. On Sungjae's defense, these are the only way to have his daughter longer beside him, see her clearly, that beautiful and sweet smile.

There'a knocking on his door and Sungjae immediately got up. He opened it and saw the officer in-charge for the night, "Your fiancée's outside," he delivered the news with a teasing smile.

He was confused for a whole 10 second until he realized what he meant.

"Ah. Yeah, uh, thanks," He coughed. He's caught off-guard, "Can you tell her to come up here?"

If he saw the officer with a confused expression of why the younger doesn't sound as enthusiastic as he should be since the visitor is his fiancée, the officer chose to ignore the lack of excitement and grinned at him before turning around to call his supposed to be fiancée.

Fiancée. Hah. What a funny word.

Honestly, Sungjae doesn't have a word. He's curious of why Sohyun is suddenly visiting him but whatever it is she's about say, he'll try to answer it with good choice of words as he could. He's learned from his mistakes and although Sohyun admitted that she indeed cheated on him, there must've been a reason.

The sound of stilettos crashing with the floor resonated the whole second floor's hall way. If it's any other day, Sungjae might've been screaming around that it's ghost since there's no way someone from the police department would wear a high heels. Female officers lives on the other side of the building, they aren't allowed on the second floor.

But no, he knows who's coming to him.

Sungjae's door is already open, expecting his visitor, he sat on one of the two chairs he have inside his small room.

Sohyun appeared with a smug look on her face, "How gentleman of you to pick me up downstairs," an obvious sarcasm with slight bitterness on her voice.

Sungjae rolled his eyes, "What are you doing here?" He questions. He wants to go straight to the point as much as possible to avoid unnecessary long conversation.

"Well, hello to you too," Sohyun replied, clearly still annoyed by the fact that Sungjae let her climb up the stairs without a company.

Okay, Sungjae already decided on talking to Sohyun with much patience but it seems like the woman doesn't want a peaceful talk because what is she bitching about?

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