The GROM Office

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"L/N! Get in my office!" Your boss calls.

You work in the GROM forces. Specifically as a field medic. You never really say your purpose as 75% of the GROM Soldiers have medical training so you were just more of a first response. You open the door to your bosses office and enter.

"Sit down Y/N" He commands.

You sit in the chair across from his desk.

"Hello son. How are you?" He asks you.

You didn't really know how to answer. Was he asking for a status or a feeling? So you just return with;
"Everything is great sir"

He pauses for a second then goes on again.

"We have got a letter from team rainbow. It's your recruitment. Now you don't have to go. I advise you don't go. But it's your choice." He explains.

Without hesitation you accepted. Some of your friends had gone there. Doc, Ela, Zofia, Twitch, Blackbeard, And Valkyrie. Plus this job with GROM was incredibly boring. It was the same thing every time. As one of your coworkers put it. "It's like it's on Easy mode"
You were in a haste to GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE! You packed up your office and drove straight to your apartment. Once inside you packed your clothes, armor, and some other things you might need. Like Chargers, Devices, Condoms, Frebreeze. Just anything you would really need.

Timeskip [Insert Funny Joke] that's what I call a tactical insertion.

You just got off your plane. You were instructed to drive to Hereford Base.
"Ok well getting there shouldn't take too long"
14 hours later...
You were incredibly tired from driving
and you pulled up at the front gate of Hereford.
Once the guard let you in it was a little bit of a drive to the living quarters. You quickly got inside and went to Doc's room.
You knock on his door and he opens it
"Gustave!" You exclaimed to Doc.

"Y/N!" He says back.
He hugged you and continued

"I'm glad you could join us friend! Welcome to rainbow!" He welcomes you.

"It's great to be here Gustave. Could I come in?" You ask.

He pauses.

"Y/N I can't really let you in I have some... Company"

Oh wow Gustave the lady killer.

"Ok. Sorry Gustave. Where's Zofia's room?" You ask excited to see her.
Doc looked down the hall and pointed to a door.

"Right There But She is also busy." He told you.

A wave of surprise came over you.

"Really? with who?" You ask thinking of her husband.

Doc laughed but not too loud.
"Her husband is visiting"
You and Doc conversed for a while and you learned some things. Like where Ela's room is. Which is where your going.
Knock Knock on Ela's door.
"Y/N!" She wrapped her arms around you in a hug.
"Hey Ela."
She pulled you in her room and sat down on the bed.
"Please sit Y/N. Get comfortable. How have you been?" She asked curious.

"I'm fine Ela. I'm happy to be here." You confirm.

"Well I'm happy Your here Y/N." She surprises you.

You guys also talked for a while and you learned some things about Ela. You were concerned but kind of amazed at her efforts as an art major and a PMC.

"That's Great Ela. I am tired may I sleep here?" You ask nervously.

"Of course Y/N. I will join you as I'm tired myself."

Both you and Ela undress to your underwear and get in bed. This is normal to the both of you as staying with each other was not unusual. The reason being for money troubles, loneliness, and better sleep. You were comfortable around each other.

"Goodnight Ela."
"Goodnight Y/N"

I'm rewriting the story so it isn't hot trash! When the writing is italicized it means it's an author note. Like this! So yeah, enjoy.

The Doctor! (Not Doc) Rainbow Six Siege x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now