Please! Stop!

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I woke up next to, Zofia? What the hell? She is wrapped around me. What happened?
I have a pounding headache and I feel sick. I am terribly sore. Wait nothing happened right? No, I went back to Ela's dorm last night. I don't remember it though. Wait, why doesn't Zofia have any clothes on? Not even underwear...
This is weird. Hold on! I'm in her room! I have to go now!

You get out of bed and quickly cover yourself with a towel as  you aren't wearing any clothes either. Finding your clothes was an impossible task. Your commotion woke Zofia up.

"Hey Y/N."

"Zofia what happened?"

"The best night of my life. Your way bigger than I thought you would be."

"What? I don't remember anything Zo."

"You were really hammered Y/N."

"What!? I don't remember that!"

"Well we had some alcohol because we couldn't sleep and you were really touchy."

"That's not right... I remember leaving at least."

"Y/N? Hello? Are you ok?"

"No Zo! We fucked and I don't remember!"

"It doesn't matter if you remember or not it still happened."

"But I didn't do it willingly Zofia!"

"You made the first move. I just made a bigger one."

"Stop Zo. Just stop."

"What Y/N? What's the problem?"

"Zo! What if your pregnant!?"


"Zo! Zo this is fucking messed up!"

"Well you did mess me up."

"ZO! Zo you don't understand! I don't love you! I love Ela!"

"Well if your going to be like that, I put something in the water."


"Y/N, I put acid in the water you drank."

"YOU WHAT!? Zofia!!! What kind of acid? what was that!? Why?"

"Let's Just say I wanted what she is having."

"I'm not food Zofia! You could be having my child Zofia!"

"No I'm not!"

"How do you know?"

"Twitch joined in..."



"Why the fuck would twitch join in?"

"Because I invited her..."

Y/N.exe has crashed!

"This is so weird." I

"Well it is your fault Y/N."

"How is it my fault?"

"Your the one who wanted me."

"No I don't Zofia! I want Ela!"

"Well you really need to make up your mind."

"I have!"
You left the room in anger. Would you go see Ela? Or Twitch...
It didn't really matter.
You were dead either way. Ela hasn't been known for her explosiveness but that's only because no one has lived to tell the tale...

A/N - Shorter Chapter! Woo!

The Doctor! (Not Doc) Rainbow Six Siege x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now