Aftershock Vol. 2

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You woke up with a slight headache.
"Oh Christ. That happened."
You got out of bed waking Ela.


"Morning Y/N"

"How did you sleep?"


"That's good Ela"

"Yeah... Hey Y/N?"


"What did Valk mean when she said she doesn't remember it being so big?"

"I don't know!"

You answered quickly and got in the shower.
But then Ela joined you in the shower.

"Y/N tell me now."

"Come on Ela. Can't we just fuck and forget this?"

"No. Tell me"

"Fine. She was going through a rough patch a few years ago so I cheered her up."

"What does that mean, a rough patch?"

"Her boyfriend died..."

"You fucked her when her boyfriend died! Y/N you can't do that!"

"I know but she kissed me first! She used her tongue and she made the first move by taking off my clothes."

"Y/N... whatever just... whatever."

"Now you tell me. Why was Valkyrie with us last night?"

"She threatened to take you from me."

"Ela I would never choose her over you. I wouldn't choose anyone over you."

"I mean she said she would keep going after you. I know you wouldn't choose her but it would just annoy us for a long time."

"I guess. It was most definitely enjoyable."
She gave you the death stare.

"Are you saying I'm wrong?"

"No... but Y/N you can't say that to me"

"But am I wrong though?"

"See Ela I'm always right."

"I know"

You and her kiss and then Valkyrie joins you guys in the shower.

"Hey guys. Are we having round 7?"

"No Meghan. Can you go?"

"Why Y/N?"

"Because me and Ela are trying to enjoy each other. And this is our room."

"And you promised to back off Meghan!"

"I'm not doing anything! I just wanted to join you guys."

"That's weird..."

"No it's not."

"No it really is."

She just scoffed and walked out.
You heard your phone Vibrate on the counter.

"I should go get that. Finish cleaning yourself and meet me in the bed."

You got out and dried off. When you turned on your phone and went to your messages. It was from Valk. When you opened the message you regretted it immediately.
"Nope that's deleted."

"What was it Y/N?"


You and Ela sat together on the bed and watched Netflix all day. You felt her soft body and just enjoyed yourself. Your life is great right now. Your life is just Peachy. Besides the terrorist threat the white masks have gone silent. It made you worry but you had things to distract you.

"What did I do to deserve you Ela?"

"You were a good friend and your the one who loved me"

"I guess. I love you Ela"

"And I You, Y/N"

You kiss her and she looks at you.

"Y/N what if I'm pregnant?"

"Oh shit! I completely forgot!"


"Well If you are I will stay but I don't know if we can take care of a child"

"We totally could! We have the money."

"Off of this pay we could have maybe ten years. But that's only for us. I'm not even talking about hospital bills, more food, just anything the child would need. Don't forget schooling!"

"I could get another job."

"Ela, we don't do civilian work. We never have. It would be a whole new experience and not for the better. The kid would be without a father. I wouldn't be around much because of this job."

"Y/N... Chcę być matką. Chcę, żebyś był jego ojcem."
(Y/N... I want to be a mother. I want you to be the father.)

I'll go easy on you.

"Ela, Rozumiem, ale to po prostu nie zadziałałoby. Wiesz to."
(Ela, I understand that, but it just wouldn't work. You know that.)

"I know Y/N. I just wanted us to be forever."

"Ela! We'll be forever Child or no Child!"

"I'm glad you feel that way."

"I love you Ela."

You kiss her and She kisses back.

A/N - Hey! It's me! I'm liking my story now. I'm satisfied with my work. It could be WAY better but It works.

The Doctor! (Not Doc) Rainbow Six Siege x Male ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat