Sum more Thotery

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"Why Emma!?" You exclaimed to Twitch. She didn't seem bothered by your shouting as she just responded with;
"Your polish accent is cute."

"Emma, Do you not understand? You could be having my child."

"No I can't, let's not go into detail. Shit didn't happen with me at the end. Zofia is the one you should be talking to!"

"I get the message. I'm sorry Emma."

"No problem Y/N, and maybe you should come back for more, alone?"


After your polite decline of sex it was off to talk to the demon herself, Ela. You haven't seen her in forever, it's surprising she hasn't called. Maybe you should call her? Yeah that's a good idea.

After 30 seconds the call automatically declines. This is weird, she usually answers. Should you get the shotgun? No Ela wouldn't cheat right? I mean you did, not voluntarily but still you did. Maybe Zofia went running her mouth. She's a prideful one, that woman. But it's probably nothing, you will go to her room and she will be asleep and everything will be ok... Maybe.

Knock Knock

You knocked on Ela's door, No Response. You knock again, No response. It wouldn't be trespassing if you just entered right? It's not like she will kick you out. You turn the doorknob slowly...

"No I shouldn't. I don't know if I'll like what I see. Maybe just speaking to someone else will clear my head. Yeah, someone else. God damnit Y/N! This is what got you here! Don't! Just Man up."

Opening the door was the easy part, accepting what would be on the other side was worrying. The room was dark, as in there was not a drop of light besides the bloom from the hall. Oh ok, so Ela just isn't here. But what was that sound coming from the bed? I took out my phone and turned on the flashlight. It was just Valkyrie, but why is she here? Sleeping on Ela's bed? Maybe she's just here to talk with her. This also worried me. This is one hundred percent a trap. With a quick turn I head out of that room.
But why? Where's Ela? I know Valk knows. She didn't just open the door and enter. I went back in.

[Trap  🗡  Y/N]

"She's cute when she's sleeping. What? Why am I thinking this? Because she is. Damn you Thoughts! No, Zofia is a thot."

She woke up slowly and stretched. Once she opened her eyes she saw your beautiful face. Your cute, you know that reader?

"Hey Y/N. What are you doing here?"

"Where's Ela?"

"She had some stuff to do."

"What stuff?"

"Damn Y/N, I haven't even had breakfast. What's with the questions?"

"It's twelve o'clock Meghan. Where's Ela?"

"Calm down, she had to go on an emergency operation."

"What are you doing here?"

"While Ela is gone I'm house sitting."

"How long will she be gone Meghan?"

"Like, a few days? I'm not completely sure."

"Well you can leave now."

"Sorry Y/N but I got orders directly from the boss to hold down the fort."

"But you don't need to stay. I'm here now."

"But I want to. And I found some interesting stuff on her phone."

"She left her phone?"


"What did you find Meghan?"

"Some pictures."

"Oh yeah, Ela likes pictures."

"Well some interesting photos there are."

"Mostly of her?"


A/N short chapter

The Doctor! (Not Doc) Rainbow Six Siege x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now