That Twitching Feeling (Lemon)

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Forgot I could put pictures up here!
I searched Rainbow Six Siege fanart.
Very Interesting Community...
Anyway I'll be putting up this art for no reason!

Hey Guys! It's your boy, AJ! So, upon recent endeavors to the boards of siege on Wattpad, I noticed that this story is #1 in the r6 category. Cool. Anyway, I'm saying let's shoot for higher! Beyond the stars! Please! Hit the star! Seriously, tap the screen! Press the star!
And Also, I'm so fucking cringy and I hate myself for writing this! Like seriously...

Twitch has been wrapped in my arms all night. She's a peaceful sleeper, but she mumbles to herself in her sleep sometimes. I can't sleep because I've been flashbacking all night.

I've been thinking about Twitch, Ela, Valkyrie, and Zofia. Valk and Zofia left for something and will be back soon. Ela, I have no idea. Probably with her other boyfriend. Then there's Twitch. With me. I have no intentions on leaving her. I feel as if this is the way it's  meant to be. I don't think I ever stopped loving Twitch, honestly. But, That's what I thought of Ela.

Twitch hasn't taken advantage of me. She's been very open to me, and not afraid to speak her mind. Maybe she just confides in everyone. I can't tell...
Only time will tell. Until then, I'll just enjoy my time with her.     

Twitch was starting to shiver, so I pulled her closer. I don't know if she is cold or something is going on in her dreams. Either way I wanted to make sure she is ok. I held her tighter, and kissed her head. Her shaking started to calm. She was relaxed, and I didn't want to disturb her. I tried to get out of her bed but she turned over and held an arm around me. I tried to peel her off of me but she tightened her grip around me. I turned back to her. She opened her eyes and looked up to mine.
I smiled at the sight of her beauty and she smiled back.

"Hey Emma." I greeted her out of sleep.

"Hello Y/N." She said back.

"Did I wake you?" I asked.

"Yes." She replied.

"I'm sorry." I apologized.

"It's ok, at least I get to be with you more." She replied.

"I love being with you as well." I said sincerely."We should go back to sleep Emma."

"Why?" She asked.

"Because it's midnight." I explained.

"Well that doesn't mean we have to sleep." She responded, confusing me.

"Well what should we do instead Emma?" I asked.

"Maybe we should, visit some past experiences?" She suggested

"What do you mean?" I responded.

"We should have some fun!" She suggested once more."

"Emma I'm tired." I said foolishly.

"Well I could help you with that." She said.

Twitch started moving, I couldn't tell what she was doing because it was pitch black. Suddenly I felt my shorts being pulled down and a tongue meet my cock.

"What are you doing Emma?" I asked.

"You know Y/N. Business before pleasure. Now for pleasure." She continues.

I suppress my moans and stop her.

"Emma, you don't have to do that." I interrupted.

"But I want to Y/N." She complains.

She starts to lick it again. Moments later, Twitch stops and I could feel more commotion. She was doing something but I couldn't see what. After another moment she starts to lick my member again. I feel that I've gone fully erect. I turn on the light next to the bed and notice Twitch has lost her bra.

"Fine...Have it your way Emma!"

I stop her and stand up next to the bed behind her. Then I pull her closer to me and flip her on her stomach.

Before Twitch could say anything I thrust deep inside of her. Twitch let's out a loud moan. She also blurts;

"Wow! Bigger than I remember!"

Instead of responding I pull out and slam my cock back inside of her. She moans again. I stop for a moment and breathe. I then start to thrust in and out. Both of us letting out of occasional moans. That feeling from years ago came back. I realized it wasn't sickness I was feeling, it was love.

Every time I felt my greatest, I was with Emma. Twitch was the one who made me feel great. But...She's not the only one. I've felt this feeling with others too. But I'm not going to think about that. I'm in a perfect place right now.

I stop and pull out of her. I lay down next to her and move her on top of me. She sits up and faces me. I insert my cock back inside of her. While she bobs up and down on it I thrust, making both of us moan. Also sometimes I would look up to her eyes, So beautiful. I wasn't sure what I did to earn this. The perfect woman, with a perfect body. I felt like I needed her. But for more than pleasure. As my partner in life. I don't think I should feel this way. After a while longer me and her came at the same time.




I get a very worried look on my face.

"Emma!" I whisper.

"Je suis sur le contrôle des naissances." She says still panting.

"Emma, English." I say reminding her of our mutual language.

"I'm on birth control Y/N." She relieves.

I let out a sigh of relief and lean back. She gets off of my dick and lays down next to me. I wrap my arms around her and relax.

"Je t'aime." I say in French.

"I kocham Cię." She says in Polish.
(I love you)

With that, me and her drift off to sleep. I picture this moment a thousand times over in my head. I will never forget this. Never...

Kill me, Kill me, Kill me, Kill me, Kill me!
Anyway...I really hate myself. But it was for the plot! I hope you guys enjoyed, because I sure as hell didn't! I'm going to kill myself now. Press that star at the bottom! One star equals one reason not to kill myself. Yes...The shameless subscription begging continues...

Also this was at least 900 words not including the authors notes, yet it feels so short!

The Doctor! (Not Doc) Rainbow Six Siege x Male ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon