chapter 6

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Arthit POV

Ask me  to scream 100 times 'I like men' in public , I can do it boldly
Ask me to have a talk with a stranger , I can accept it
Ask me to propose a girl , am ready to do it in an instant....
Ask me to beat up some guys , am always ready...
Ask me to deliver a speech in front of 1000s , you can see how confidently I do it.....
This is me....  The handsome , cool , bold , confident , manly ........etc etc etc.... HEARTTHROB ARTHIT
But just tell me to directly look at singto's eyes or speak a word or two with him....
You can see my confidence dropping , my boldness disappearing , coolness changing to steams and my manliness trying to divorce me.....

If u ask me... why a Greek god (You look like  cupid arthit ) like me struggles in front of a nerd...... Well a sexy nerd Indeed.... The answer is simple....
Its because of  love... Ya ya... My one sided love....

But today I will do it....
With all my might and courage ... I will talk to him... Just wait and see how I start a romantic conversation with him..

Sitting beside singto is not a big deal..  Only Prapalin sits beside him.. Because she is also a nerd...
As if  she is invisible .. I casually took her seat....


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