chapter 47 part 2

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3rd persons POV

Gun -
me... My name is gun. Unfortunately that devil Rome's twin.
You asked me what I lost right ... I lost everything for him

We were both orphans. We were brought up in an orphanage that is under your family. Bright's world of joy.. That orphanage had your name..

Since me and rome were so weak , many of them bullied us. We couldn't fight back because if we get a bad mark in our list , good families won't adopt us . but once the bullying went beyond the limit were they tried to molest Rome , I lost it. I fought back . even tho I was nearly dead , I was able to protect Rome that day.

That was my first bad mark . few students kept distance from me and the bullying stopped from that day

Rome was everyone's pet with the most polite behaviour and class topper . whereas as I was considered the scary and trouble maker. Little did they know I became like this for protecting Rome.

I was quite jealous for the attention he got but.... That was nothing much because no emotion can override the love I had for him..

When we were around 10 years old , one family showed interest in adopting us. Well one of us.
Tho their first choice was me , they changed it to Rome because of my black mark.

Just imagine my situation at that time..
I lost a good future trying to protect him.
He left me soon saying he will help me somehow .
I trusted him... Days changed to weeks to months..
Everyone around me stared mocking saying even my brother doesn't want me. You can't imagine the pain I had that time... Betrayal ...
I gave up my good future to him..and he didn't even contact me.. He enjoyed his life when I suffered their. For almost 3 years I suffered.

I was completely broken love for him changed to complete hatred ....

it was when you came. Don't you remember p bright. You and your friends came to celebrate your 14th in that orphanage .
You saw me getting bullied. You shouted at them and you comforted me.

You told I was like a kitten . you told every children their that I am your kitten and no one should bully me. You told me to join the same school when I grow up. You promised me you will be their to protect me. And you told you will wait for me.
Was it love at first sight for me... I don't know.. But I felt I had a future with you..

No one bullied me from that day . I studied hard so that I can join your high school. I did part time job to earn money to school tho i had a scholarship .
2 years later.
Every thing went perfect .
At last the day came when I was gonna meet you again as your junior .
But like the curse of my life . the scene I saw in front of me made me loose the last hope I had in life.
You were confessing your love to someone and someone was my brother Rome.

The jealousy and betrayal I felt because of him was at the peak . my future and love were both snatched by him . everything ...

I wanted you p bright.. Nothing else mattered.
Some friendships Bought me to the dark side. I became a drug addict . I somehow ended up working as a spy for p john. I stalked you both especially Rome . I met Rome soon . he acted like he was very happy. You know the reason he told me for not meeting me till now. His new parents told I was already adopted and no one knew were I went. As if I believed . we met regularly. He promised to keep us as a secret from you. It seems my brother wanted to surprise you on your anniversary with me.

I was planning for a revenge .
Coincidentally P John's brother was arrested for a drug case and the judge was Rome's new father
.on your anniversary he came to pick me.. At that time we kidnapped thinking his father will let P dean free but he was sentenced to death.
P john was angry with both Rome's and Arthit's father . it was then I decided I will switch places with Rome. We are identical twins. From my old meeting with him and stalking, it was easy for me to replace him.
Just a small lie that I was at the verge of depression. You started telling me all the memories you had with Rome. It helped me in playing Rome's role well
Everything was fine till now.

He tuwned to arthit

P arthit always cared for me like a brother but p John blackmailed me saying he will expose the real Rome to p bright . I had no choice . I had to help them kidnap you p arthit.
It was me who heard your voicemail ... It was me who sent you the message next day... It was me who sent p john your location . but it was all for you p bright ...

He turned back to bright

. But now you got your Rome back ... You Dont want me right...

Live happily with Rome p bright ... Your happiness is what matters..
Rome lowered his gum and looked down .
Lowering his guard , bright moved from rome's front to his side but


Really you think I will let him snatch you away from me p bright
The only mistake I did was to keep you still alive Rome.....
Not anymore.
Knowing BK was out of control , kongpop moved behind him to inject the sedative doctor kit gave him before .
But he was a second late...

Then a weak voice was heard




They say everything is fair in love and war.
Loving someone too much is like holding sand tightly... The more you tight it... The more you loose it....

BK's full story is out... So what do you feel.

Mostly one more chapter and a big epilogue... You can expect the epilogue in 2 parts....

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