chapter 11

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(This chapter is like a trailer to next 2 chapters)

Arthit POV

Can this day get any more worse...
First .. I had to be embarrassed in front of singto
Now ... I have to face the questionnaire from my friends   

Guys ..  I know  you wanna ask me something .... But please.... Not today.... Tomorrow our weekend starts right... Be at my house at 10 .... I will answer all your questions...

Before they could answer... I left to get my usual... My pink milk...

I escaped today.... But not tomorrow...

Wait... My friends aren't following me... But still I feel the presence of someone....
So my secret follower is back.. .. Aren't all the other  troubles enough... Why now this problem too...  Aaaaaargh

Meanwhile.. Arthits friends

Bright - Dont you think he owes us an explanation... How long is he planning  to hide those things from us....
Knott- let's wait until he is ready to tell us the truth.. Okay...
So come on guys..  Let go... You know we can't leave him alone...
Prem toota and bright  - okay dad....

Kongpop POV

Why is he walking alone... Shouldn't his friends be next to him... His friends were asked by the minister to not to let arthit alone..but still If they are not following.... Did they fight....

Oh ... Here they come..... Now its Better to keep some  distance from him..... I can't risk being spotted... His friends are quite observant unlike him

Even if  I miss them somewhere... I  know where they will be...
By looking looking at Arthits face I can tell where he is walking to...  Nanny's pink milk store.....

Why is he buying so many bottles..... Is he planning to finish all the pink milk in that shop....
Such a pink milk monster he is...

My thoughts are discharged when I get a message.. 


Tomorrow is gonna be a long day.....


I know this chapter is short and boring...


Get ready to make plans with F5 and to go along with  Kongpops to the headquarters

Rome and bright shippers..... Get ready... They are coming soon...

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