chapter 28

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3rd persons POV
(Phone call between the boss and BK)


Yes sir. its me BK

Are you sure arthit was alone with his lover boy yesterday

Yes sir...

You better not lie to me.

No sir no... Only they both were there. I was with the rest of the gang

Then how come the kidnap attempt fail..

I-.. I Dont know sir

Since their is no another way ... You are gonna do it

What do you mean sir

Like we planned before .... You are gonna bring arthit to our warehouse

I Dont think that's possible

Dont you dare disobey me... I want it to be done within 3 days.. You heard me.... Just 3 days..

Sir please... I can't do it...

Are you still gonna disobey me kid..? ... Did you forget who I am and what I am really capable of...

No- no sir

I know what you are afraid of.... Don't worry... After my plan is completed.. I will make sure arthit never speaks anything...

Are you planning to kill him...

My dear BK... You are right... I am gonna kill him after I have submitted my nomination...

But why do you need to kill him

Dont you think so... If he gets to know about our both identity... Then we are done for

But sir... Is their any other way... I Dont want him killed... He- he has never done anything wrong to me. .. He even considers me as his close family... So-

Look who is feeling guilty... This is nothing much when compared to what you have done... If you Dont follow my orders.... Then I will stop your drug supply ... And not only that... I will also make sure to expose your real face... Especially in front of your lover boy..

Please don't do anything like that sir... I.. I cant live without both
Can you give me a day to think sir... Please Si-

Tomorrow morning I expect a call from you... Remember...I Dont take a NO as an answer...

Yes sir....

Get ready to die my dear arthit Darling... This is your faith for being born to a non corrupt politician
my dear BK ... Until I have control over your drug and that cutie boy ... You will never disobey me


How is today's update guys....
Any guesses who is BK?
See you with my next update

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