Chapter 35

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Kongpop POV

Agents get ready... We are moving in...

As soon as  my orders were out. All the 4 teams moved into action .
p em and Maprang has hacked all the CCTV cameras around , so we are well updated about our enemies position .

Taking down the hitmens around, all the teams proceeded to move forward .
Within 15 minites , the field was clear.
After ensuring that only mr john and another man was with arthit , I Motioned all the teams to move out of the warehouse and surround it , its time for me and Prapalin to enter .

We had p kit and p beam with few medical assistance outside the warehouse for in case of emergency . I really hope their would be none , at least to my arthit and my team.

Separating our ways , me and Prapalin entered the warehouse . Prapalin was told to search for the drugs .

Arthit was kept in the basement .
removing my guns lock , I made my way to the basement . I wasn't scared , but I had an uneasy feeling inside me. It was as if I could feel so pain inside . with hoping arthit is unharmed , I neared the basement .

I tiptoed to the basement door. It was opened .
Holding my gun quite tightly  , I stood near the door .

My heart was broken into millions of pieces when I saw those swollen cheeks and bloody pants .

I quickly texted p kit and p beam to get ready with the medical team.

John was asking him some questions and the other men was next to arthit ready to slap him again .

I think he was asking questions about me.
Did my arthit get hurt trying to protect me.
I swear these men are gonna pay for torturing my baby like this

I saw arthit slowly lifting his head . we made eye contact. The fear in his eyes turned to happiness.
Not just you baby , even I am happy to see .

When john asked himbwhere is my location . arthit just smirked at him.
I understood the meaning behind that smirk .

"He is behind you"

Hearing Arthit's answer , John and the other men turned towards me.
I greeted him in my commanding voice pointing gun straight at him

Hello Mr john..

His eyes turned big like saucers .

john - Wh- what are you doi- doing here . how did m- my men let yo-u in.

Kongpop - Well mr john , you are having something which only belongs to me. My arthit . so I am here to take back what is mine

And for answering your other question , i didn't find any one blocking my way. Are you sure you had your men outside.

The shock in face. The fear in his eyes. That was a good scene .

KongpopDont you dare put up any act. Just surrender now.

I pointed my gun straight towards his forehead

Earth - Move your gun or else your lover boy will die in front of you now

The other guy who was in the room pointed his knife next to Arthit's neck who was almost at the point of fainting. But looking at the amount of blood around him , he managed to stay conscious till now , thats pretty strong.

That guy moved the knife more close to Arthit's neck that small drops of blood started dripping.

Leaving me with no other choice , I lowered my gun .I was about to pocket it when john took my gun and started walking towards arthit

The other guy slowly removed the knife from near Arthit's neck . a small amount of relief washed across my face.
He walked towards me.

He launched his fists at me for only to dodge it.

I regained my position quickly and started punching the life out to him.
I took his knife and was about to stab him when I heard john screaming at me.

John - You better release him or else the bullet from my gun will kiss his forehead.

He said pointing the gun straight towards my unconscious arthit .

I released my hands and stood up from the guy who was almost unconscious.

Kongpop - Do you really think you will escape from me after shooting arthit .

Realising that fact , he pointed the gun towards me

John - Then you must die first.

I closed my eyes ready to get the bullets through me
Arthit... I love you.

The trigger was pulled ......


I would like to thank you all for the good response you gave me for my previous chapter . I really appreciate your efforts ...

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