Chapter 33

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Day 6

Kongpop POV

P phana and P forth team cover the southern part

P knock and p korn team cover the northern part

P mew and p art team cover the western part

P kao and p Pete team cover the eastern part

P em and Maprang keep up updated

And Prapalin are you ready...

Standing outside the warehouse where arthit is kept hidden... Me and my team were ready to go rescue him...

Arthit .... my love... I am coming to save you


D12 to D7

"Help am kidnapped"...
The 3 words that made kongpop's entire life collapse.

He knew if he need to save arthit he needs to act controlled rather than rushed .

The first step he took was to make sure no one out side the agency but Arthit's patents know about the kidnapping incident .

Kongpop asked arthit's father to inform Arthit's friends that he went abroad urgently to visit his sick grandparents and that arthit lost his phone on the way to airport .

Seven pairs of ear will believe it but not BK's . because only he knew arthit was kidnapped

The next step was to find Arthit's phone.
As soon as Arthit's phone was tracked , kongpop  made his way to that location  crashed and abandoned, it was found inside a trash can .

That was from where the investigation begin.

Kongpop called few of his agents and asked them to retrieve the information from the crashed phone .
But even after hours , they could only find one information , arthit was last spotted in front of noodle hut

Em and Maprang hacked almost all the CCTV cameras in that locality . luck being in their side , all the videos were found erased. Which leads them to square one.
The kidnapper must be very rich to have people erase all the available videos within the short time

Agents were sent to all the possible locations .
Most of the abounded building were searched . but still no clue

Shipping ports and airports were thoroughly checked .. They were able to make a conclusion.
Arthit is still in Thailand.

Raids for the drugs were happening in all the suspected locations but nothing was found .

Just like all the spy's and hitmen Kong found , he knew finding BK will not lead him to their boss

Even after four days , they were at dead end .
No clue about Arthit's whereabouts

It was only when Prapalin returned from her assigned duty that they found the case moving forward .

Prapalin joined the missing dots .
If it was not Mr dean who is dealing with the drugs , it has to be someone close to him.
Eventually the doubts moved to his only relation. His brother , Mr john cantawit.

They found out that , after Arthit's father , he was the next eligible candidate for the ministers position .
He also has a personal revenge towards Mr rojnapat as he was the person who ordered for the raids which eventually ended with Mr dean being found guilty..
So it literally means , not just kidnapping but Arthit's life is also at risk

Arresting such an influential person requires very provident evidences and ground work .

So the next two days were completely devoted to finding evidences and doing groundworks.

Tracking his phone was the major lead to find arthit . not only to arthit but BK too.
BK is soon gonna pay.. Let him enjoy his last few days of happiness...

After 6 days of sleeplessness... After 6 days of searching... After 6 days of ruthless running ... After 6 days of collecting evidences and after 6 days of missing him.....

Here we are on the 7th day ... Just metres away.... Few minutes away from rescuing arthit

It was BK who helped kidnap arthit and at last it is because of his drug that arthit is going to be rescued
Karma is a bitch BK .

Flashback End

Kongpop POV

Agents get ready... We are are moving in.........


How is today's update readers...
Less than 10 more chapters remaining.
Do you guys think I should have wrote more about finding arthit... ?
When BK's identity is revealed.. It is gonna take few chapters for flashbacks
So I thought I shouldn't lag the story here....

Hope you enjoyed it....

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