A Confession

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Izuku POV

 I put my hands against his hard chest, trying to push him away while making small muffled noises. Although, I felt like I had to submit. Kacchan, my childhood friend- is kissing me. Jolts of excitement went through my body and my legs were trembling as I closed my eyes again. It felt good. I started to slump down a little, getting slightly lightheaded.  I've had never been kissed before, especially so roughly... so I didn't breathe in through my nose like an idiot. Kacchan's strong hand supported my back, as he finally pulled away from the heated kiss. I forgot about Todoroki in the heat of the moment.

Trying to catch my breath, I looked into Kacchan's wine-red eyes. They were calm and collected weirdly enough. Todoroki's hands grab me by the waist and pull me away from Kacchan by surprise. 

"E-eh..?" Was all I could muster. Nothing came out of my mouth and my throat felt tight and it burned as if I was going to cry.

"Was I so good that it left you speechless? Heh." He blurted out with pride as his face was full of mischief. The comment only got a cold glare from Todoroki, as I was completely perplexed.

A hand grabbed mine suddenly, then pulling me towards the door. 

"Midoriya, we're leaving this place. I've had enough." Todoroki said in an angry tone. He didn't look back at me once, and his mood really did create an intimidating atmosphere around me and Kacchan. My hands started to get clammy in Todoroki's, and I felt a little sweaty under all the clothes I was wearing as we were leaving. 

A cold blast of air hit my face as the buildings didn't stop the wind from coming onto us. I shivered, but it wasn't as bad as my shoulder and arm as it ached badly since he had been pulling it for the last five minutes. 

"C-can you let go?" I asked with hesitation. I didn't know if it was a good idea to even talk to him- I've never seen him be so bitter before. Yeah, I guess it really does suck for my first kiss to be stolen.. by Kacchan of all people! Did he think it was a joke or something? Now Todoroki is mad... and I can't tell if he is furious at me or at Kacchan. What did I do wrong? 

I've managed to unconsciously grip Todoroki's warm hand more tightly at the thought; making him stop walking abruptly. Hearing him click his tongue, he suddenly pushed me into a wide empty ally. I let out a quiet yelp in surprise, only to be silenced by him with his finger with an "Shh,". Feeling him seize my arms, he forcefully pushed me against the cold brick wall. Now in this situation, any rational person would try to push back and escape, right? Not for me. Every time I'm with Todoroki, I feel like I'm powerless. Not in a bad way of course! It sets a weird tingly sensation in my stomach... Although right now it's not the time to think that. I need to be more alert.

"Izuku,"  he grunted, stepping closer towards me. My eyes widen, being caught by surprise. Did he just use my first name? Todoroki pauses by taking a deep, long breath while gazing into my eyes. His stare was cold yet it was on fire like he was really, really pissed off. "How.. how would you just let it happen? Izuku, he stole a precious moment you could've had with m- someone you like! Aren't you upset?" He seethed, then pausing for a second again, still not letting me talk.

 "Bakugou.. made you dirty.. we need to fix that, don't we?" His tone instantly changed as his arm snakes around my waist, pulling my body closer to his. I was leery of him at this point. The corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and his mismatched eyebrows drawn in.

"To-Todoroki.. you're too close," I stuttered, my eyes darting around the dim surroundings. So many thoughts were crossing my mind as he kept that position, ignoring what I said earlier. "You can't just u-undo a kiss... it's stupid.. there's no way to fix this." I turned my face to the side to give some distance between us.

I felt a cold hand carefully grab my chin and turn my head towards him, making me blush immediately. He's been really touchy for the past two days..

"Mmm... What makes you say that?" he questions me, narrowing his eyes.

My shoulders tensed up and my gaze averted to the side. Is he trying to tease me or something? No- okay.. just be reasonable Izuku. 

"Well, you can't really undo one unless if there was a time quir-" Todoroki's lips slammed forcefully against mine, catching me off guard. On instinct, I pushed him away before it could go any further. I slowly became anxious as I stood there awkwardly. I opened my mouth to mutter an apology naturally, but Todoroki put his hand on my mouth. It was calm and quiet, and the only sound I could hear loudly was my heart pumping. I shifted weight onto one foot as I was waiting for him to say something.

Todoroki cursed to himself and then takes a deep breath.

"Izuku, I'm in love with you.

Todoroki POV

Ah. That was pretty straightforward.


Short chapter but I've been a little busy for the past few days. I'm going to start on my next one after publishing this, so hopefully, I can get it published by tomorrow. I noticed that I published a chapter every 2 or 3 days. So I think I have my schedule now 

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