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Katsuki's hand was trembling as he reached out towards the door-knob-like object. He placed his fingertips on it lightly, closing his eyes shut. The sun was almost down, leaving the room more darkened yet red. It made the whole atmosphere feel scary yet calm; beeps of Izuku's heartbeat echoed in his ears loudly, almost taunting him. Many childhood memories flashed in his mind, but he felt ashamed. If only he had treated Izuku right.. and now.. this is the only thing he could do something good for him.

Taking a deep breath, he—

"I-I can't" he gasped, pulling his hand away. A cold wave of relief hit him as he was sweating a lot this whole time, luckily not to his hands. This obviously caught Izuku's attention, who was speechless. "I can't and I won't. Izuku, you have so much more to live for. So what if you can't walk? It doesn't stop you from being a pro-hero! So stop being a fucking dumbass!" His brows were drawn in together, his face was visibly red from anger and his hands look like they're going to crush something. Katsuki was really pissed off.

"I..." The greenette couldn't find any words, but he was quickly shut up by Katsuki's hand clamping over his mouth.

"I don't want to hear it." He snapped, tears threatening to spill again. Izuku only nodded in response, unsure on how to react to all this. For sure, today, he wanted to die peacefully, but Katsuki's words really made him re-think everything. The other teen sat on the bed, not saying anything else.

Katsuki was occupied by his racing thoughts. He finally caught Izuku's naive gaze, making him flinch in surprise.

He glared at him with furious red eyes, before clicking his tongue and glancing the other way.

"God, you're such an idiot." He sighed.

Next Morning (Izuku P.O.V)

A knock on my hospital door woke me up instantly. I first looked at the chair by my bedside, and there Kacchan was. Laying his head on my bed, still in a deep slumber. I couldn't help but smile to myself, but that quickly faded when the sharp knock came again.

"C-come in!" I said quietly, but loud enough for whoever it was. It was the old nurse that took care of me for the past few months, she was sweet and very encouraging to me. I thought she was very similar to Recovery Girl.

"How are you doing, dear?" the woman entered with a sweet smile on her aged face. She had a cup of steaming milk coffee and set it down on the little desk beside Kacchan. "I'm doing okay, it still feels a little hard to breathe though." I deeply inhale, trying to get more air. "Are you in a comfortable position?" She goes over to the other side of his bed, fixing his pillow. I nod, smiling. The nurse stands there for a minute before sighing happily.

"Midoriya, sweetie, I think you're almost ready to be discharged. We have a few documents ready and.."

Shock and disbelief panged in my chest. Me? Out of this hospital?

"Of course, you need to go to physical therapy beforehand but-- you seem to be doing just fine. The doctors agreed too, I'm very proud of you Midoriya."

"I-I-I.." I couldn't help start crying. Why was this so emotional for me? Sure, I was stuck for months in here but.. will I be able to do anything anyways?

I felt something nudge my forearm; spooking me. I forgot about Kacchan being asleep there...


sorry, it's a short chapter but im busy with figure skating

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