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Shouto had whacked Izuku's shin hard, but he earned no scream or expression from Izuku. Until the pain really settled in.

The smaller teen couldn't move at all, and he was a gasping mess in a whole minute.

"Oh god, Todoroki-" he chokes out, trying to breathe. He looked at the leg Shouto had hit and it indeed looked slightly bent. It felt like a shard of his bone was stabbing into his tightened muscles.

"Wow, that sounded kinda hot. Want another hit?" Shouto smirked, but behind that smirk was almost a feeling of euphoria. He wanted to see someone struggle and call out his name like that. He felt like he was controlling something for once.

"No! ..u-ugh.." he groaned in agonizing pain. It hurt so badly that Izuku would rather die than be here. Maybe someone could save him, he thought. There's no way police would be looking for him now, right?

Is Kacchan worried?

Katsuki P.O.V

"Damn it! Have you found a trace of him yet?" I look at the scruffy policeman with angry eyes as I was already losing hope. Not too long ago, the police had been called by the U.A academy. Izuku's mother informed them that he had not been home for a few days already apparently.

"Er, we don't know yet kid. We're about to question someon-..." The man pauses and looks down at his notes.

"Actually, that's none of your business. Keep quiet unless if you find a trace," he sighs, running his hand through his greasy hair.

So we're gonna question someone, huh.

I click my tongue and look away, slowly starting to get pissed off. Deku's mom, All Might and I have been kinda forced to go onto this police search for two missing people.

Candy cane and Deku.

To be honest, it was another rainy and shitty day. No, actually, every day is shitty without Deku.

I just want to see that damn goofy grin...

"Fuck," I cursed to myself. Why was I so mean to him?

I guess I can't hide from the truth forever.

I love Deku.

That half n half bastard is probably a more shitty boyfriend, Deku could have been better off with me. Shit.

"Todoroki Shouto's parents never reported him missing, and apparently, Endeavor hadn't shown up to work in a few days also." I overheard the policemen talking to each other as we walked through the light rain.

"Deku.. I hope you're safe.." I groaned. When will this shit end?

Shouto P.O.V

Look at him, he's trying to crawl away.

"Y..You're trying to get away from me.. Do you not love me anymore? Why are you trying to get away..?" I panicked. I started to hyperventilate, seeing him desperately trying to get to the basement door.

"Hngh... y-you think I would love you after all this?" Izuku barely choked the words out, still trying to crawl with one knee.

I stayed silent. It felt like someone really stabbed through my heart. After everything I do for my dear Izuku, he tells me this shit? No.. I'm not accepting that answer...

I raised my crowbar, gripping it tightly while thinking about what he said. Hot tears were already rolling down my cheeks.

"LOVE ME DAMMIT!" I screamed, swinging the tool down on Izuku's spine.

Third P.O.V

Izuku couldn't move. The panging pain on his spine, as well as his shin, was too much.

"LOVE ME LOVE ME LOVE ME LOVE ME LOVE ME" He screeched on the top of his lungs like a broken record. Shouto repeatedly kept hitting Izuku on different places on his spine, completely shattering the bone fragments.

At this point, Izuku couldn't breathe at all. He felt his spine's pieces mushing around as Shouto kept hitting him and the pain was unbearable. The poor boy passed out from lack of oxygen, looking almost dead as his face hit the floor. Maybe he is dead.

The other male who had gone insane for a second stopped. Right as he did, he already heard thumping above the basement.

Ignoring it, he dropped the crowbar and went down on his knees. "Izuku, wake up Izuku.." he pulled Izuku's limp body towards him and sat there emotionless. Brushing his bloody fingers through the teen's green hair, breathing heavily.

"Police! We're going to knock this door down!"

Shouto stayed quiet, he only cared about Izuku right now.

The door was knocked down by two men, and they instantly enter equipped with guns.

"Hands in the air, kid"

Brushing his fingers through Izuku's dark green hair was all he could think about. He then stopped, slowly turned his head towards the two policemen; grinning ear to ear.

"..I said hands in the air!"

Katsuki pushed through the third policemen, entering the basement. His eyes widened as he saw the whole scene.

"..What the fuck..?"

"Get back, this man is clearly insane." That scruffy policeman pushed Katsuki back as he gripped onto his pistol tighter in the other hand. He pointed the pistol closer to Shouto as he slowly raised his bloody hands, still grinning.

Katsuki could already hear Izuku's mother crying at the stairs, protected by another policeman.

It was a huge shitshow.


ohhh boy. i have school tomorrow.. and also 

2.8k reads??? what the hcek i swear it was at like 25

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