The Sunlight is Gone

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Shouto P.O.V
(Trigger Warning..?)

I'm so happy plan A worked out. Of course, if the pills didn't work, it would have to be plan B. I really did not want to do that so I guess I got lucky. I quietly went down the stairs to my basement. It was quite big. The room contained a cherry wood floor, a queen sized bed (Not very big), and a small kitchen. So technically it was almost like a room. I saw Izuku still lying in the bed, soundly asleep. It didn't seem like he was very comfortable though- I tied his hands and feet with a prickly ordinary rope.

I stood there for a second. Izuku is stuck in my house, and there's no way in hell he would be able to escape. Bakugou would be nowhere near him now because he's all mine. The thought soothes my mind and took away the nerves instantly. Amazing! God I just can't wait to play with him!

My footsteps echoed and rang through my ears as I walked towards my little prisoner. I chuckled and turned towards the small white plastic table that had a box of all my syringes and "tools". Feeling myself smile widely, I took some things out to set up so I could mess with my Izuku.

Izuku P.O.V

I don't think I can feel my hands or feet.. I know they're cold but- wait. As I adjusted, laying flat on my back, I stared at a Todoroki who had a psychotic smile and bloodshot eyes. It really spooked me for a second. I thought some crazy person broke in..

"Well? How are you feeling, princess? Like being tied up like that?" He instantly looked away from me and put on rubber gloves, continuing to pull on them until his nails almost poked holes out.

"Tied up?!" I screeched, sitting up and looking at my hands. My nails were almost blue and the skin color was very pale, not to mention the veins in my hand were buldging out. "Un-untie me Todoroki! What the hell??" My hands..!

I was panicking at this point. Did he drug me? Why am I tied up? What is up with those tools and the smile on his face??

The sudden lack of oxygen stopped my thoughts. Todoroki was squeezing my neck in one hand, a syringe in the other.

"Don't ever speak to me like that, you bitch!" He screamed right at me with a murderous face. He let my neck go as I was in shock. He.. he never spoke to me like that before.. did I do something wrong? Is that why he's so mad at me..? but why tie me up of all other options...

I stood up frowning, about to use my quirk to break the rope. Todoroki grabbed my arm like he was panicked and stopped me. He motioned me to sit down, and I did. Now this was just getting really weird. I just wanted to go home.. please let me go already, dammit.

A liquid was rubbed onto my arm. Alcohol, was it? No, I think he's trying to give me a shot. No, no, no, no. I need to get out! I stood up again but something stabbed me in my arm. I cried out in pain instantly, seeing the bluish liquid injecting into my flesh. My mouth would open but nothing came out. It hurt so bad. I decided to just end this all at once- but when I tried to use my quirk, it sparked for a second, but then went away.


Wait. Let me try again. As the skinny needle pulled out of my arm, I tried to use my quirk once more. The same thing happened.

"I injected some Dexcel into you. It disables your quirk for a few hours," Todoroki mumbled. I looked over completely mortified at this man- the man who supposedly "loved" me. I plopped back down on the bed in defeat, blankly staring at the wall. My mouth was hanging open. Is this the end?

"You might have to open your mouth more if you want my dick to fit in," Todoroki laughed as he grabbed my jaw and pulled it towards him. Ignoring the rather embarrassing comment, I was more worried if my jaw was just dislocated or something. I didn't speak at all for the five minutes of Todoroki staring at me in a creepy, dreamy way. I glared at him in disgust and then shifted my gaze towards the wall. I heard him click his tongue and let go of me, walking back to the box of weird metal things. A long, double-ended bracelet chain was pulled out and then suddenly clamped onto my ankle and the other side clamped onto the bed post.

He also had a pair of pliers and kneeled down, cutting the rope off around my ankles. A painful rush of blood went straight down, feeling like I was walking on glass shards. I whined in pain, but for some reason, Todoroki flinched. I gave him a confused look as he looked back at me ...blushing?

"Wish you can make that sound more, wow, that makes me want to- argh, never mind. Just stop muttering all the time." He looked annoyed and done with everything. "It's 9 in the morning, so I'm going to prepare breakfast for you over there." His finger pointed towards the small kitchen almost hidden behind a wall.


Obviously I didn't say anything again. There's no point in talking to him, I was concentrating on how to escape. I eyed the staircase leading towards a single wooden door, and then looking back at Todoroki, who's back was facing away from me. This is the perfect chance..!


I'm chained to a bed. Dammit!

No, my plan would work once the Dexcel wears off. Okay. I won't eat his breakfast, go to "sleep" and if he's not watching me after a few hours.. I can take that chance to use my quirk and break the chains!

An overwhelming amount of hope washed over me, and I just knew that I'll be able to make it out alive. Maybe.

I kinda just want to see Kacchan again..


Wow I need to stop torturing you guys lol

should I do a Q&A or??

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